The following Hora Muhurta are shown for the date Friday, 21 Feb, 2025 and place "New Delhi, Delhi, India".
These Panchang calculations are based on Drik Ganit i.e. current sidereal positions of planets in the sky. The Ayanamsha used is Lahiri or Chitrapakshiya. The current day sunrise is taken as the time to calculate planet positions and accordingly other drika panchang calculations.
Venus | 06:54:07 - 07:50:53 |
Mercury | 07:50:53 - 08:47:40 |
Moon | 08:47:40 - 09:44:27 |
Saturn | 09:44:27 - 10:41:14 |
Jupiter | 10:41:14 - 11:38:01 |
Mars | 11:38:01 - 12:34:48 |
Sun | 12:34:48 - 13:31:35 |
Venus | 13:31:35 - 14:28:22 |
Mercury | 14:28:22 - 15:25:09 |
Moon | 15:25:09 - 16:21:56 |
Saturn | 16:21:56 - 17:18:43 |
Jupiter | 17:18:43 - 18:15:30 |
Mars | 18:15:30 - 19:18:38 |
Sun | 19:18:38 - 20:21:46 |
Venus | 20:21:46 - 21:24:55 |
Mercury | 21:24:55 - 22:28:03 |
Moon | 22:28:03 - 23:31:11 |
Saturn | 23:31:11 - 24:34:20 |
Jupiter | 24:34:20 - 25:37:28 |
Mars | 25:37:28 - 02:40:36 |
Sun | 26:40:36 - 27:43:45 |
Venus | 27:43:45 - 28:46:53 |
Mercury | 28:46:53 - 29:50:01 |
Moon | 29:50:01 - 30:53:10 |
Hora Muhurta is considered important in astrology. An ahoratra (day and night) means. There are a total of 24 Hora in 24 hours. A Hora is an hour. The first Hora of each war begins at sunrise as does the Sun Hora at sunrise on Sunday, the Hora at the Sunrise on Monday. Similarly, there are seven day horais.
According to the governing planet the horas are either favorable or unfavorable for diffrent works. This can be utilized to know a favorable time for a work depending on which planet's Hora it is.