Shape of the Land
There are different shapes of any plot like square, rectangular, triangular, Pantangular, oval hexagonal etc. Except square and rectangular lands all are named irregular and considered to be Very inauspicious if any construction is made on such irregular plots. Vastu only recommends square and rectangular plots for any construction.

Regular Shaped Plot
Square shape, plot where all the four angles are of 90° and all the sides are of equal length.
AB = BC = CD = DA AC = BD
Result - Health, wealth and prosperity growth and peace of mind.

Hexagonal Plot (6 sided)
Hexagonal plots are irregular plot which have 6 sides. Such plots are not considered well from the point of Vastu. Such plots give average result, however it can cause government punishment. It can be used for construction by carving out the biggest square or rectangle and leaving the rest of the plot.

Wheel Shaped Plot
Wheel shaped plot have actually round shape and this is not considered good for dwelling or commercial purposes. Such a plot causes loss of money. Construction can be done on such a plot by carving out a square or rectangle and leaving the rest.

Octagonal Long Plot (8 sided)
Octagonal plots consist of 8 sides. This type of plot is considered inauspicious in Vastu. This type of plot causes a lot of troubles and creates a lot of problems. Residential dwelling places should not be made on such a plot.

Rectangular Shaped Plot
In Rectangular shaped plot opposite sides are equal and 90° at all corners.
AB = CD & BC = AD
Result - Good for financial growth and happiness. The residents are well fed, prosperous and happy.

Oval Plot
Such a plot is extremely troublesome. Residents of such a plot to faces a lot of misery, ill health losses and varied problems. These problems can be reduced by carving out the biggest rectangle and rejecting the rest of the plot.

Semi Circular Plot
Semi circular plots look like the half of the circle. This type of plot is not considered good in Vastu for any structure. It is inauspicious and causes poverty and unhappiness. Construction should be carried out only after carving out a Semi Circular Plot rectangle.

Bow Shaped Plot
Residents of such a plot have many enemies. Along with this, they have to face varied problems and fear. To escape these results, a rectangle should be carved Bow Shaped Plot out of this plot and then construction should be carried out.

Circular Plot
Such a plot generally restricts prosperity, but kumbha vrittakar (pitcher shaped) plot signifies prosperity. Living examples of such plots are Ring road, Connaught place, Gole Market and Kamala Nagar in Delhi.
According to modern scholars, circular construction inside a circular plot does not give good results, while circular construction inside a square plot gives good results. Examples - Sansad Bhawan, Stadiums, buildings related to Buddha and other religions.

Triangular Plot
Triangular plots are irregular plots which have three corners. Such plots are considered inauspicious and cause harm due to fire and court cases. It also causes instability from the government and s. For these reasons, construction on such a plot should be carried out only after carving out a square or rectangle.

Conical Plot
Conical plots are like cones and are not augur well for the residents if houses are built on such plots. This is not auspicious. There is a lot of discord between the husband and wife living in such a house. There are lack of harmony between the members of the family. All the members have different opinions on any issue and they have strife and scuffle over trivial matters.

Two Joined Chariot Shaped Plot
This is also very inauspicious. Its owner is always surrounded by problems and has thefts in the house. As a result his progress hinders and he is notable to prosper. So, it is better to avoid construction of a house on this plot. The results of two joined chariot shaped plots are also the same like that of the chariot shaped plots but the intensity of problems are more in such plots. There are frequent problems to the inhabitants.

Drum or Dholak or Mridangakar Shaped Plot
Drum shaped plots are irregular plots where all the sides are improper and non of the angle measures 90°. Such plots are inauspicious from the perspective of Vastu. The person residing here is weak and his wife has a sudden death. The inhabitants of the buildings built on such plots are never happy and they have to face problems in and out side the house on daily basis. Owner of this plot is of loose character. He has many affairs and spends a lot of money on this habit. So a residential dwelling place should not be constructed on this plot.

Temple Shaped Plot
People residing in such a plot are rough and low people. The owner of the house often leaves the house to become a sanyasi. So this plot is not suitable for family happiness.

Chariot (Rath) Shaped Plot
Chariot shaped plots don't have proper length and width. Such plots are not considered good for the construction of any building. This is extremely inauspicious for the owner. House should not be built on such a plot. If any house is built on such plots the inhabitants are bound to suffer from health problems, accidents and financial worries.

Capsule Shaped Plot
Capsule shaped plots are also not considered good for residential buildings and commercial structures like shops, factories, offices etc. It gives mixed results. The person who resides here cannot accumulate money.

Star Shaped Plot
Star shaped properties are very inauspicious from the point of view of Vastu and are rarely found. The person residing in such a plot is always surrounded by legal problems and court cases. As a result his financial condition remains weak. So it is better not to make residential house here.

Hand Fan Shaped Plot
Had fan shaped plots are irregular plots and they have many edges and corners. Such plots are extremely inauspicious. It causes loss of money and cattle. It can even bring the owner down to being a beggar, so residential house should not be constructed here.

Bucket Shaped Plot
Bucket shaped plots are irregular plots where the dimensions are not found to be proper. Such types of plot are highly inauspicious for residential buildings and commercial premises. Bucket shaped plots residents of such plots are always fround to be in debt and other types of problems.

T Shaped Plot
T shaped plots don't augur well for the owner becauses it proves quiet harmful and inauspicious for him. Resident of this plot normally sells it within four or five years. However, its fifth owner may keep it longer and have some more stability.

Gaumukhi Plot
The plot which is narrow towards the front and broad towards the back is called Gau Mukhi or Kaka Mukhi plot. This plot is considered to be auspicious in general, but its auspiciousness dependents on certain factors.
- If the entrance to the plot is from south or West, then it is auspicious.
- If the plot is extended towards Northeast direction, then the plot is extremely auspicious. Such a plot is acquired only because of destiny. The bhagyodaya of the residents takes place and they achieve name, fame, prosperity, mental and financial attainments and have an all round growth. Their popularity becomes widespread and all their wishes get fulfilled.
- If Northeast corner is reduced then it is not auspicious. There is lack of health, wealth and prosperity. Such a plot produces poverty, recurring ailments and mishaps. There is no peace and happiness.
Such plots cause sudden mishaps. Residents of these plot are always caught up in court cases and they develop suicidal tendencies. Before constructing a house on such a plot, it must be freed from its Dosha (faults).

Vyaghra Mukhi (Sher Mukhi) Plot
A plot which is broad towards the front side and narrow towards the back side is called vyaghra mukhi or chajmukhi. This plot produces misery, ailments and unhappiness. The residents are always surrounded by poverty, debts and sorrows. Their destiny seems to go sleep, so such a plot should not be used before rectifying its faults.
But if a vyaghra mukhi plot is extended towards Northeast, then it will provide peace, prosperity and happiness. Its residents will achieve name, fame, high status and all types of happiness. They have composite physical, mental and financial growth. They also get interested in spirituality. Hence vyaghramukhi plot extended towards Northeast is extremely auspicious.