Main Rules for the Stair Case
The staircase of the house should be made according to the rules of vastu. The ideal direction for the staircase is the main West main South or Southwest (Nairritya). Best position is Nairritya which is very auspicious because this corner of the house should be tall and heavy. According to another view, the staircase should be in Southwest or Western vayavya. away from the Northern or eastern wall.

Staircase should not be made in Ishan. It harms wealth and profession and the owner gets loaded with debt. Due to shortage of space if staircase is made in Agneya or in Northern Vayavya then it becomes harmful for the health of the children. If it is absolutely necessary to make stairs in these areas then they should be light weight and they should move from East to West and from North to South (climbing up). One should never make stairs climbing up Northwards and climbing down Southwards. This harms the prosperity, peace and happiness of the house. In an old house if there is a staircase in Northeast then to remove its vastu dosha a room should be constructed in Southwest.
Number of Steps
Steps should always be in odd numbers. The number should be such that if it is divided by 3 the remainder should be 2. i.e. 5, 11, 17, 23, 29 etc. There should be strong doors at the beginning and the end of the stairs. The upper door should be 1/12 smaller than the lower door. In other words, the lower door should be larger. While climbing, the stairs should turn in right direction.
Ideal Staircases
The stairs should turn in clockwise direction from North to South or from East to West. While climbing up, upto midpoint the person should face West or South and after reaching up he should face North or East.

Direction of Staircase

Ideal Staircase
Similarly while climbing down, the person should face North or East at the end. If possible the stairs should not touch the Northern or Eastern walls. They should not be visible immediately after entering the house, otherwise it can give a feeling of tension on entering the house.

Entrance of Staircases
According to Chinese belief, in such a situation the magnetic balance of the house gets affected and adversely affects the owner. Potted plants should be kept on both sides of such a staircase. Ideal height of each step is 9 inches. It should not be more than this. If the height of a step is 9" then its breadth should be 11". In this manner one should keep a difference of 2" between the height and the breadth. In a large house the width of a step should be 4 feet. In a small house it can be 3 feet or 21/2 feet. There should be a railing on both sides of the stairs.
The staircase should not begin with triangular steps. Staircase should not be very curved and spiral. One should not make a bedroom, sitting room, puja or a toilet under the staircase. One should also not sleep under the stairs. The beginning or the end of the staircase should not be in puja room, safe room, kitchen or store. This can give rise to constipation, indigestion and moles in the family members. If necessary, a bathroom (for bathing only) can be made under the stairs. Open area under the stairs is good for children's education.

Correct Position of Staircases
Correct Position of Staircases
The Stairs should always turn towards right. If they turn the other way then one or two steps in the beginning can be made to turn right and the rest can turn left.
This staircase turns left wards while climbing up which should be corrected, so two steps can be added at the base turning right to correct this fault.