Acharya V Shastri Ji is very good Astrologer. He will hit the nail right and share the facts that you might be going through at least he was very accurate in my case. He is very polite and ready to help us without any terms. I would definitely recommend anyone who believes in astrology and looking for some help.
Highly satisfied with Acharya V Shastri consultancy, very polite and understanding person. I would suggest everyone.
Hi Acharya V Shastri, I just want to thank you for everything you have done for me and all the work you have done words cannot describe how grateful i am to you and how much you have helped change my life. You are a truly selfless and amazing Astrologer in Gurgaon and you inspire me so much.
Acharya V Shastri Ji gives me almost 100% accuracy in his readings, and is on point on every topic. I went for an individual astrology reading when I moved to the area almost four years ago, when he hardly knew me or anything about me. I have consulted with him on many things since then, and more recently went for a couple’s compatibility reading. I also referred a friend recently, who was very impressed with Acharya V Shastri Best Astrologer in Gurgaon and Dwarka knowledge and insight. I recommend him to anyone interested in an individual astrology reading, or for couples.
I did an Astrology reading with famous Achary Shastri, Astrologer in Dwarka. I did not expect him to be as spot on as he was. He will tell you things that you need to hear. I do recommend this place if you’re in need of guidance direction relief of stress and a peace of mind. Because I was in need of all those things and he help me in every direction in our life.