Acharya V Shastri Ji is very good Astrologer. He will hit the nail right and share the facts that you might be going through at least he was very accurate in my case. He is very polite and ready to help us without any terms. I would definitely recommend anyone who believes in astrology and looking for some help.
Very satisfied with his readings and the way he spoke, explained everything very politely and i asked him several different questions which he answered brilliantly.
Got Good Directions from popular Astrologer in Delhi NCR, things were going wrong with me and I was misleading in my directions of career and marriage, no one were supporting me nor parents nor friends facing lot of financial issue . Thank you so much to show me the right directions and the month you told me about approaching my carrier went very true and in right way, I got a good job and first time I am satisfied about my job carrier . Now I am getting married to the guy my parents looked for my parents are very happy with me thank you sir. As you said not to stop my studies though I got job I will continue in next 3 months doing in abroad, thanks for giving best solutions to approach my problems.
My concerns were and he might as well have known my kids for all their lives - he was spot on when talking about them! You can tell that he has your best interest in mind and truly wants you to live your best life. It was a great experience with popular Astrologer in Dwarka
He is an absolutely amazing guide! Highly recommend him. He was precise yet detailed when needed. Was very honest with the readings and gave required guidance.