Acharya V Shastri Ji is very good Astrologer. He will hit the nail right and share the facts that you might be going through at least he was very accurate in my case. He is very polite and ready to help us without any terms. I would definitely recommend anyone who believes in astrology and looking for some help.
Wow! I have never had such profitable, comprehensive advice that includes the current situation in life. I also really liked the positive attitude. Thank you for opening my perspectives, showing strengths and talents and my challenges he is a genuine Astrologer in Dwarka ... People should visit him he is really genuine guide who never tells stories talks’ point to point observation.
Got Good Directions from popular Astrologer in Delhi NCR, things were going wrong with me and I was misleading in my directions of career and marriage, no one were supporting me nor parents nor friends facing lot of financial issue . Thank you so much to show me the right directions and the month you told me about approaching my carrier went very true and in right way, I got a good job and first time I am satisfied about my job carrier . Now I am getting married to the guy my parents looked for my parents are very happy with me thank you sir. As you said not to stop my studies though I got job I will continue in next 3 months doing in abroad, thanks for giving best solutions to approach my problems.
Very satisfied with his readings and the way he spoke, explained everything very politely and i asked him several different questions which he answered brilliantly.
Its my great pleasure to recommend Acharya V Shastri Ji. I first came to know him through a random search on the internet. Very good knowledge about astrology & has a deep and detailed knowledge of his subject. He is consistent, reliable and accurate. I am very satisfied to know certain things about myself very clearly helping me to take my future steps accordingly. I would like others to also consult him to get a clear picture and get rid of false hopes.