Acharya V Shastri Ji is very good Astrologer. He will hit the nail right and share the facts that you might be going through at least he was very accurate in my case. He is very polite and ready to help us without any terms. I would definitely recommend anyone who believes in astrology and looking for some help.
Wow! I had my first session with Guru and it was amazing. I've been exposed to readings and mediums since childhood so I can tell you with certainty Acharya V Shastri is Google authentic Astrologer! From the moment I stepped into his space I felt comfort and peace. His warmth mixed with his sense of humour enhanced my experience. Most importantly his accuracy and technique were quite impressive. If this is your first time you’re starting with the best. And for everyone else you will not be disappointed. I plan to make Guru a permanent advisor for me he came into my life when I needed it the most accurate Astrologer in Dwarka, Delhi NCR Region.
Thank you so much sir for helping me out with proper and genuine prediction. I had no clue why things were going wrong with me and I was misleading in my directions of career and marriage, no one were supporting me nor parents nor friends facing lot of financial issue.
Acharya V Shastri is very renowned celebrity knowledgeable Astrologer. He and I ebbed and flowed through my reading. He was clear, conscious, and grounded he is best astrologer in Dwarka, he helped me unravel some blockages and gave me permission to seek the life I desire. Good job, Acharya Ji, I can’t wait to reconnect.
This was by far the most insightful consultation I have ever had. Sir, really made me feel at home and heard me like a close family member would. I felt like he was really prepared for this session, he had spent some time on my details before he began talking to me. He gave me solutions and asked me to get back to him with my feedback. I never had such an experience Astrologer in Delhi NCR before. It's almost like he gave me the fresh pair of eyes I needed to look at myself. The session was extremely personalized, transparent and a truly eye opening experience.