
How to know Radical Number?

Here, the theory of finding out the Radical number is described. The number is found out by the date of birth of a person. It can be found by Janma Tithi also, if the date of birth of the native is not available. Suppose that the date of birth of a native is 1, then his Radical number will be 1. likewise, the Radical number will be Likewise, the Radical number of a native born on 2 will be 2, 3 of 3, 4 of 4, 5 of 5, 6 of 6, 7 of. 7, 8 of 8 and that of a native born on 9 the Radical number will be 9. However, the Radical number of a person born on 10th will be 1 + 0 = 1 Likewise, if the date of birth of a person is 11, his Radical number will be 1 + 1 = 2, 3 of a person born on 12th (1 + 2 = 3), 4 of whose date of birth is 13(1+3=4), 5 of who was born on 14 (1+4=5), 6 of born on 15 (1 + 5 = 6); 7 of whose date of birth is 16 (1 + 6 = 7), 8 of born on 17(1 + 7 = 8), 9 of 18(1 + 8 = 9), 10 of 19 (1 + 9 = 10), 2 of 20 (2 + 0 = 2), 3 of 21 (2 + 1 = 3), 4 of 22 (2 + 2 = 4), 5 of 23 (2 + 3 = 5), 6 of 24 (2 + 4 = 6), 7 of 25 (2 + 5 = 7), 8 of 26 (2 + 6 = 8), 9 of 27 (2 + 7 = 9), 10 of 28 (2 + 8 = 10) i.e. 1 (1 + 0 = 1), 11 of 29 (2 + 9 = 11) i.e. 2 (1 +1 = 2), 3 of 30 (3 + 0 = 3), 4 of 31 (3 + 1 = 4) and so on.

There is one more method for finding out the Radical number of a person. There are 30 days in a month and the month begins from the first day i.e. Pratipada of Shukla Paksha. The number of Pratipada after Purnima will be 16, 17 of Dwitiya, and 18 of Tritiya. This way the number of Amavasya Tithi will be 30. So, there are 15 Tithis in Shukla Paksha from its Pratipada to Purnima i.e. from 1 to 15. Likewise, in Krishna Paksha also there are 15 Tithis from its Pratipada to Amavasya i.e. 16 to 30. These days, the Roman numbers are accepted everywhere to be used. But if the Roman date of birth is not available, then prediction can be made by Radical number found on the basis of Tithi.

An easy way to find out the Radical number of a number is that it (the number) should be divided by 9, the quotient will be the Radical number. In case, the quotient is 0, then 9 will be the Radical number. A detailed description in this regard is given below.

Salient Features of Radical Numbers
Radical Number 1

Sun the Radical number of a native born on 1, 10, 19 or 28 is 1. People having 1 as Radical number are under the influence of the Sun. They happen to be steady and firm in their stands. They try to abide by their promise. They have a strong will power and they keep on trying to accomplish what all they undertake. Their love affairs and friendship continue to be sweet. Their dispute with their enemies continues for long.

People of this type feel uneasy working under others since they are independent-minded. They like to work independently. They do not like others to interfere in the way they work. They possess some qualities of the Sun, as the Sun is the lord of number 1. Under the influence of the Sun, they prove to be altruists. They like to be renowned in the society like the rays of the Sun are spread all over the world. They always want to be the leader of organizations and to be appointed at high posts. They achieve all this by their labor.

People having number 1 are ambitious. They do not like any restriction over them. They go on top in whatever field they choose to work in. They always like to play the role of a leader in their field of job. They prove to be good administrators. They know how to earn honour and respect from the people working under them. The quality to lead continues to be in them till their death. This quality grows in them since the early days of their life. They are patient and never lose their patience. They never ignore their education. They work independently and are mild to others. They do not depend on others. They trust others and hence at times they are cheated. For the people having '1' as their Radical number, dates 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th are very important. On these dates, they accomplish their job successfully. Sunday and Monday are favorable for them. These days become more and more important and favorable if the dates fall on them.

The months of January, April, July and October prove to be very favorable for these people. The 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th, 37th, 46th, 55th, 64th, 73rd and 82nd years of their age are important for them due to the influence of their Radical number. On the other hand, 13th, 22nd, 31st, 40th, 49th, 67th and 76th are important due to the influence of their friend. All the important events are likely to take place during these years of their age. The year having 1, 4 or 8 as sum total proves to be very important for the people having number 1 as their Radical number under the influence of the same. These years are 2008, 2017, 2026, 2035, 2044, 2053, 2062, 2071 and 2080 under the influence of Radical number 1 whereas 2002, 2011, 2020, 2029. 2038, 2047, 2056, 2065 and 2074 under friend 4 and 2006, 2015, 2024, 2033, 2042, 2051, 2060, 2069 and 2078 under the influence of friend 8.

According to Cheiro, numbers 1, 2, 4, and 7 are favorable for the people whose Radical number is 1. People born on a date between 21st March to 28th April possess all the qualities and attributes of number 1 because the Sun transits over Aries during this period and it (the Sun) remains exalted being all powerful during these days. People born in between 21st July to 28th August also have the influence of number 1 or of the Sun since during this period the Sun transits over its own sign Leo. Aries and Leo both are fiery signs. This is why the nature of these people happens to be like that of a lion. They, themselves make their ways. They accomplish their job successfully and earn name and fame in the society they live in. They avoid pomp and show. Their anger proves to be momentary. They do not like false praise, frivolity, selfishness etc. They always abide by truth. They do their job as powerfully as a lion or a ram does. They always extend their helping hands to others. They are always inclined to the people of opposite sex. Change is their special quality. They always want change in the field they are connected with-whether it is of business or service or social work or politics or of religion. It is hard to know their nature and conduct. They do not want to be traditionalist. At times, their hidden enemies hurt them.

According to Cheiro these people make their friends those whose Radical number is 1, 2, 4 or 7. Their relations with the people born between 21st March to 28th April and with those born between 21st July to 28th August prove to be cordial. Sunday and Monday are favorable for these people. For them, golden, yellow and copper colours are lucky. Topaz, emerald, yellow diamond and other gems of this colour are favorable for them. According to Indian mythology, Ruby is best for these people.

According to Sepharial, number 9 vibrates these people, 4 and 8 attract them and 6 and 7 do not agree with them i.e. they are their enemies. Numbers 2, 3 and 5 are neutral-neither good nor bad. Sunday proves to be much more favorable.

Radical Number 2

Moon Number 2 is the Radical number of the people born on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th date of a month as mentioned in Numerology. Moon is the lord of this number. People of this number have much influence of Moon over them, so they happen to be imaginative, art loving and bounded by love. They possess a fine imaginative faculty, but physically they are weak. They have a fine wisdom. They are very much dexterous. They prove to be always ahead of others. They face many ups and downs and keep changing their stands and plans.

These people lack patience and diligence. This makes them suffer, hence they cannot accomplish some of their jobs on time. They lack self-confidence which frustrates at times. They very often prove to be unsuccessful in their jobs. They may emerge successful, if they have control over their sentiments and thinking.

They possess a high status in the society they live in. They prove to be popular among the people and make their status in the society by their own labor. They may suffer from eye, stomach and urinary problems, mental depression and diseases caused due to cold. At times they may suffer from water borne diseases and headache as well.

These people do not have a firm character, but they are very much simple. They possess the womanly attributes of the Sun, so they may be good friends’. They are courteous and well-behaved, imaginative, art loving and romantic. They possess an instinct of a researcher, but they do not apply what they think in their life like the people having 1 as their Radical number. Mentally they are strong, physically they are weaker than those having number 1 as Radical number. They should avoid unsteadiness in their thinking and planning and lack of self-confidence as well. These people are very much sensitive. They become frustrated and despondent if the atmosphere they live in does not prove to be congenial to them. They are merry-making, tactful in their dealings and they enjoy all the worldly pleasures and luxuries. They keep rising, inventing new ways that may be useful for all. They possess strong mental faculty. They are prosperous and renowned all over. They treat others to be their own and possess attractive personality. They are sweet spoken and they own a fine instinct. They have the ability to read people before them. They are also able to reply their questions tactfully.

Their womanly quality can be seen in their manner of speech, conduct, gestures, living standard and all the other activities. They like to stay away from their home and always remain imaginative. They love beauty much. Travelling, recreating, gardening, making artistic things etc. are their hobbies. Even strangers become their friends.

The 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th date is important for these people. These dates help them accomplish many of their jobs. Monday, Friday and Sunday are favorable for them. These days become more favorable if the dates stated fall on them. February, April, August and November are very influential for these people and months from 16th July to 16th August and from 21st April to 21 May prove to be favorable.

Important years-2th,11th,20th,29th,38th.47th.56th.65th.74th under the influence of Radical number; 7th,16th,25th,34th,43th,52th,61th,70th and 9th,18th,27th,36th,4 5th,54th,63th,72th,81th influenced by friendly. All the important events take place during these years.

Some major events take place in their life during the year the sum total of which is 2, 7, and 9. These years are-2009, 2018, 2027,2036,2045,2054,2063,2072,2081 all influenced by Radical number 2, 2005, 2014, 2023, 2032, 2041, 2050, 2059, 2068, 2077 all under the influence of Friendly number 7 and 2007, 2016, 2025, 2034, 2043, 2052, 2061, 2070 and 2079 influenced by Friendly number 9.

Numbers 7 and 9 are the friends of the people having number 2 as their Radical number. Therefore numbers 2, 7 and 9 are very much important that cause many major events in their life. Number 1, 3, 4, and 6 are neutral i.e. neither favorable nor unfavorable whereas 5 and 8 are their enemies. Also the date, month and year related to the friendly, inimical and neutral numbers shower their effects.

According to Cheiro, 1, 2, 4, and 7 are the friends of these people. People born on any date in between 20th June to 27th July may prove to be their good friends as the Sun transits over Cancer these days. Those born on any date in between 21st April to 21st May may also prove to be their good friends as the Sun transits over Taurus these days, which is the exaltation sign of the Moon. Sunday, Monday and Friday are benefic for them. Friday is favorable because Taurus, the exaltation sign of Moon, is its lord. The 2nd, 25th, 28th and 31st dates prove to be useful.

Green is the lucky colour of these people. Green and white colours are also lucky. They should avoid deep colours like black, violet and red. In gems-Pearl, Moonstone and topaz are lucky for them. They should wear Haritmani in such a way that this touches the body.

According to Sepharial, number 8 keeps the people having 2 as Radical number vibrated and numbers 7 and 9 attract them whereas number 5 is their enemy. Numbers 1, 3, 4, and 6 are neutral and give mixed results. Monday is very favorable for them.

Radical Number 3

Jupiter is the lord of Radical number 3. Number 3 is the Radical number of the people born on 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of a month. According to western theory, people born on a day in between 19th February to 21st March and in between 21st November to 21st December have influence of Jupiter over them, whereas according to Indian theory the same Jupiter will shower its effects over the people born on a day in between 15th December to 13th January and in between 14th March to 12th April. People born during this period bear much effects of Jupiter.

People with number 3 as their Radical number are tough in the matter of discipline. They are very hard with the people working under them. They do not tolerate Laxity or slackness in office. Their under staff turn hostile with them due to the way they treat with them. They are very much ambitious and they act like rulers.

As these people are governed by Jupiter, they happen to be pious and possess religious thinking. They earn name and fame in the field of teaching and learning i.e. they prove to be good teachers and students. They keep themselves indulged in religious and spiritual exercises.

These people are mentally balanced and developed. They have the capacity and ability to know the things. Their mental faculty prove to be good and they possess fine knowledge. They do not cause harm to anybody, rather they spend much of their time in altruism. Their status in the society proves to be very high. They lead the society they live in and like to be the leader. They think it their duty to give genuine advice to the people in the society.

By nature, they are peace loving. They are mild, sweet spoken and straightforward. They always abide by truth though they have to face hurdles in their way. But at last they win these hurdles. Their health proves to be normal but at times they suffer from dyspepsia and other problems in stomach.

People having 3 as their Radical number are very ambitious. They cannot remain happy if they are under other people. To earn name and fame and to govern others are their chief objects. These people have the capacity to make their subordinates obey them. They like discipline. They themselves obey their masters and seniors. Whatever the field these people choose to work in or whatever the job or business they adopt, they reach at the top of success.

Working in army, navy, government office etc. suits them much. They accomplish the job of teaching or spiritual exercises very successfully. They abide by their duty. But, there are some weaknesses also found in them. They act somewhat like a dictator and start enacting laws themselves and pressurize people under them to obey those laws. They always like their views to be followed. That is why they make people their enemies, though they are not quarrel some. They are very much self-reliant. Therefore they avoid taking obligation of others. They happen to be absolutely free and independent. They cannot tolerate any restriction. The period of Sayan Solar months from 19th February to 21st March and from 21st November to 21st December are favorable for these people. 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th dates and Thursday, Friday and Tuesday are also lucky for them. So these are very important. Any auspicious function performed or any new job started on any of these days or on a Thursday during the months stated above is supposed to be accomplished successfully. The 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th, 39th, 48th, 57th and 66th years of age prove to be lucky for them. Number 3 is the Radical number of the people born on 3rd. 12th, 21st or 30th of a month. According to the western theory, people born on a day in between 19th February to 21st March and in between 21th November to 21st December bear the influence of Jupiter. On the contrary, according to the Indian theory Jupiter showers its influence over the people born on a day in between 15th December to 13th January or 14th March to 12th April. Jupiter showers its influence much over the people born on any of the days stated above.

Numbers 6 and 9 are the friends of Radical number 3. So, the people having 6 or 9 as their Radical number prove to be good friends of the people with number 3. Their partnership business and conjugal life also happen to be successful. Usually the years, months, days and dates related to 6 and 9 numbers prove to be auspicious, but if they are not, the native should not start any important job or perform any function on any of these days or dates or during the month said above. If the lucky year, month or days have proved to be unfavorable, they will be the same in future also and if proved auspicious, they will be auspicious as well.

For the people of number 3, shining pink and light shade of red colour are lucky. Women should wear clothes of these colours. Besides the furniture, upholster and the walls of the house should also be of the same colours.

Years of which the sum totals are 3, 6 and 9 bring some important events in the life of the native under the influence of Radical number 3. These years are-2001, 2010, 2019, 2028, 2037, 2046, 2055, 2064, 2073 influenced by Radical number 3, 2004, 2013, 2022, 2031, 2040, 2049, 2058, 2067, 2076 under Friendly number 6 and 2007, 2016, 2025, 2034, 2043, 2052, 2061, 2070, 2079 under the influence of Friendly number 9.

Numbers 6 and 9 are the friends of the people having 3 as Radical number. The numbers 3, 6, and 9 create important events in their life. Numbers 1, 2, 5 and 7 prove to be normal-neither good nor bad whereas 4 and 8 are their enemies. The days dates, months and years related to the said numbers affect these people according to their qualities.

According to Cheiro, 6 and 9 are the friends of 3. So, the numbers 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30 are lucky for these people. Thursday, Friday and Tuesday are favorable for them. Thursday is the most important among them. These days become more favorable if they fall on 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of a month. They prove to be lucky on 6th, 9th, 15th, 18th, 24th and 27th also. These people should wear clothes of shining pink, violet, light reddish and blue colours. These colours should be used in house also. Blue, deep green and pink are also favorable to some extent. In Gems yellow sapphire is lucky for them. They should always wear gems in such a way that touch their body.

According to Sepharial, number 7 keeps the people having 3 as Radical number vibrating. Numbers 5, 6 and 9 attract them whereas 4 and 8 are their enemies. Numbers 1 and 2 bring them mixed results. Thursday proves to be the most favorable day for them.

Radical Number 4

Rahu or Herschel Planet Rahu/Herschel is the lord of number 4. According to Indian Astrology, Rahu is a Planet. Rahu or Herschel causes sudden progress, explosion or blast, and some unexpected events. Number 4 is the Radical number of the people born on 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of a month. These people are prone to struggle. Their views do not match with that of the others, though they think well ahead of time-something different from others. Since they oppose the views of others, the people around them become hostile to them. They happen to be reformers. They are opposed to old customs and traditions. Whatever field they are working in, they like to change the prevailing situations there into new ones. They do not establish friendship with others but for the people having 1, 2, 7 or 8 as their Radical number, they have some soft corner. They do not like to accumulate wealth, rather they like to lead a luxurious life and remain happy. They may become much successful if they have control over them and thus turn tolerant.

Several unexpected incidents take place in their life. Some of them even change their career. They are known for their hard work and their views prove to be different from others. They think well ahead of time. But due to their opposing nature, people around become hostile to them. They oppose old customs and traditions and try hard to change them. They also like to change the prevailing situation in their field of job. They cannot accumulate much wealth but they earn name and fame much in their life. They like radical change of the society they live in. If they have control over their practice and if they become tolerant, they may earn much success.

They earn much honour and respect in the society, since they are, by nature reformist. But they have to face many ups and downs in their life. So, they shall have to work hard to earn much name and fame. They, usually, enjoy good health, but at times they suffer from headache, diseases by and mental pressure caused due to their hard work.

People with number 4 as their Radical number possess some different character. They stand opposed in any type of debates or discussions. This makes people around them their enemies, though they are not quarrelsome. Some of their enemies keep opposing them stealthily. Whatever the point is, they have view different from others for that. They always oppose the prevailing rules of the society and the government. They do not accept the sovereignty of the constitution. They like new rules to be enacted both in society and the family. They very much like to make reforms. They are practical.

People having 4 as Radical number always remain under pressure (tense), but sensitive. Even a simple step against them hurt them very much. They feel themselves alone and feel disheartened till they do not achieve their goal. They do not have many friends, but they are honest to the friends they have.

Herschel is very much influential between 21st June to 31st August and it showers its effects on the people born during that period. For them, Sunday, Monday and Saturday are lucky and 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st dates are auspicious. Period in between 21st June to 31st August is also favorable. They should start new and important ventures on any of these dates, which may prove to be more favorable if Sunday, Monday or Saturday falls on it. Again, if these days are somewhere in between 21st June to 31st August, they prove much favorable. Blue, dull yellow and brown are their lucky numbers. They should wear clothes and keep furniture of these colours in their house.

4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st, 40th, 49th, 58th and 67th years of their age are important for them. Besides, 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th, 37th, 46th, 55th and 64th years are also important. Numbers dates, years etc. related to Radical number are also favorable.

Years, sum totals of which are 4, 1 and 8, happen to be eventful for them and important incidents take place during these years under the influence of Radical number 4. So, numbers 1, 4 and 8 are important for these people. Numbers 2, 6, 7 and 9 are neutral and they give mixed results. Numbers 3 and 5 are their enemies. Days, dates, months and years associated with the numbers stated above shower their effects over them.

According to Cheiro, people born on 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st do not have many friends. They are fascinated towards the people born on 1st, 2nd, 7th or 8th day of a month. They have good relations with the people born in between 21st June to 31st August. Saturday, Sunday and Monday are lucky for them. Numbers 1, 2, 7 associated with 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st days are favorable. The 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 25th, 28th and 29th days of a month are more auspicious for them.

Mixed, shining blue colours are lucky. But gray colour is the most favorable. Ruby, either light or deep in colour, is the lucky gem for these people.

According to Sepharial, number 6 keeps the people, having 4 as their Radical number, vibrating. Numbers 1 and 8 fascinates them and 3 and 5 are their enemies. Number 2, 7 and 9 give mixed results. Sunday proves very much favorable for them.

Radical Number 5

Mercury is the lord of number 5. Number 5 is the Radical number of the people born on 5th, 14th or 23rd day. The sum remains in Sayan and transits over Gemini and Virgo during the period from 22nd May to 21st June and from 24th August to 23rd September. However, according to Indian theory, the Sun transits over Gemini and Virgo during the period from 15th June to 15th July and then from 17th September to 16th October. Gemini and Virgo are signs of Mercury. Therefore, Mercury puts its influence much over the people born during these periods.

People born on these dates happen to be sociable and they are keen to make people their friends. They become close to the people born on 5th, 14th or 23rd day of a month. They are interested in business more than the other jobs. They are very much impetuous. They are fast also and they like to accomplish their job quickly. They do not worry much for something against them nor do they repent for a thing they have done wrong. They excuse those who create problems for them. They happen to be irritable and angry. They do mental work much that weakens their nervous system and hence they become weak. They also suffer from epilepsy during their old age.

Being influenced by their Radical number, these people prefer business to any other job. If in service, they like the job of accountancy, machinery, commerce etc. They like to work in company, factory etc. as well.

They are eloquent and possess a fine reasoning due to the influence of Mercury. They impress the person before them very tactfully. They like to accomplish their job quickly and try to adopt such type of job that may earn them much profit in a short span of time. They are impetuous and fast. While in haste, they have, sometimes, to face losses.

They become angry because mentally they are not steady. They like to do mental work much. This causes them mental exhaustion and they may suffer from problems in nervous system. They may possess attributes of Mercury as it is the lord of Radical number 5. They are very much interested in teaching, learning and writing.

These natives make people their friends. People born on 5th, 14th, or 23 rd day of a month prove to be the close friends of these natives. It is hard to impress them as their reasoning is fine. They are always tense and stimulated. Their friends maintain friendship till their death. They are adept in taking decision and behave emotionally. They avoid physical labor, and try to have a source that may earn them a lot in a short span of time. They find new ways of earnings very easily. They are keen in taking risks in their business. They prefer business and take interest in the business of stock exchange.

They get rid of the troubles and hardships by their tact very easily. They are not perplexed by the troubles that crop up before them. Like their birth planet, they are unsteady. If they are mild by nature, they prove to be so; and wicked if they are wicked. No lesson can change them.

They use their mental power so much that make them lose their mental equilibrium. They become irritated whenever they have to face some tense situation. They cannot digest anything to be kept secret.

The calendar years sum totals of which are 5, 3, 9 prove to be very eventful for these people due to the influence of Radical number 5. The years influenced by Radical number 5 are-2003, 2012, 2021, 2030, 2039, 2048, 2057, 2066 and 2075; 2001, 2010, 2019, 2028, 2037, 2046, 2055, 2064, and 2073, under the influence of Friendly number 3 and 2007, 2016, 2025, 2034, 2043, 2052, 2061, 2070 and 2079 under the influence of Friendly number 9.

Numbers 3 and 9 are the friends of the people having number 5 as their Radical number. Numbers 5, 3 and 9 play a vital role in the life of these people. Numbers 1, 6, 7 and 8 give mixed results whereas 2 and 5 are their enemies. The days, dates, months and years associated with number stated above shower their influence over these people. Dull yellow and da77ling white colours are favorable for them, though other light shades are also auspicious. They should not use deep colour. Clothes, furniture, shades used on the walls of the house and upholster should be of colours stated earlier. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are the most favorable days for these people and they should start important and new ventures on these days. The days will prove more favorable if the date’s 5th, 14th and 23rd fall on them. Periods from 21st May to 23rd June and they from 21st August to 24th September are much favorable.

The 5th, 14th, 23rd, 41st, 50th, 59th, 68th and 77th years are important for these people. According to Astrology, Mercury showers its absolute effects during the 23rd year of age. According to Indian theory they should wear emerald in a gold ring on Wednesday in the little finger in such a way that it touches the body. According to Cheiro, these people should start their ventures on the days associated with their own numbers. It means that they should start their project on 5th, 14th and 23rd date of a month or in between 21st May and 20-27th September. These two periods are the periods of number 5. Wednesday and Friday are their lucky days. The days become more effective if their numbers fall on them.

All shades of gray, white and da77Iing colours are lucky for them. They can wear clothes of any colour, though it will be better for them to choose light colours. Diamond is lucky for them. They should wear platinum or silver ornaments. If possible, they should wear diamond in platinum in such a way that it touches the body.

According to Sepharial, number 5 keeps vibrating the people, whose radical number is 5. Numbers 1, 6, 7 and 8 give mixed results, so they are neutral. Wednesday is the most favorable day for them.

Radical Number 6

Venus is the lord of this number. The Radical number of the people born on any of the 6th, 15th and 24th dates is 6. From 20th April to 24th May and then from 21st September to 24th October, the Sun transits over Sayan Taurus and Sayan Libra. According to Nirayana theory, the Sun transits over the two signs stated above between 13th May to 14th June and then from 17th October to 13th November. These are the signs of Venus. So, Venus showers its benefic effects over the people born during these periods.

These people possess plenty of power of attraction and prove very much sociable. This is why they become very popular. People around them love them and pay them much respect. They like beauty. They have fascination for decent people and they take interest in art, paintings, music and literature. They like to wear beautiful apparels. They like to be hospitable and to keep the things in order. They also like to keep clothes, furniture, upholstery etc. in order. By nature, they happen to be obstinate. They cause people to accept their views. They are very much jealous, so they do not tolerate antagonism. They make people their friends and mingle with them. Due to the effects of Radical number 6 there are power of attraction and affability in abundance in them. They earn popularity due to these qualities. They are fascinated by beauty and beautiful things. They have fascination for opposite sex also and they like to establish relations with and to talk to pretty women. They happen to be interested in art and they may adopt the field of arts for their livelihood. They also have fascination for music, literature, modern arts, paintings etc. They like to wear beautiful clothes and to reside in a well-equipped and decorated house. In office or house, they like things to be in order. Besides, they are fond of good-looking furniture and upholstery etc.

They are somewhat obstinate and they always try to make people around them accept what they say. They are jealous and rigid at their stand. They do not tolerate antagonism in their field of work, which causes them mental pressure and self-humiliation. They are expert in making others their own. They have a large number of friends since they know how to make friends.

Blue colour-whether light or sky-is lucky for them. Light pink colour is also lucky, but they should not use deep black or red colour. Thursday and Friday are lucky for them. Dates 6, 15 and 24 are auspicious. If the period from 20th April to 24th may or 24th September to 24th October happens to be the Solar month, it proves to be much favorable. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are much more benefic, if they fall on any date stated above. These people should start their new and important ventures on these days and dates during the months as mentioned.

Numbers 3 and 9 are the friends of the people having 6 as their radical number. Therefore, dates 3, 12, 21, 30 and 9, 18 and 27 are favorable. These days, dates and years will prove to be inauspicious if they had been the same in their previous life.

The 6th, 15th, 24th, 33rd, 42nd, 51st, 60th and 69th years of age of these people are important for them. All the favorable and unfavorable incidents will take place during these years. The years of 3 and 9 numbers also prove to be lucky for these people.

The calendar years, the sum totals of which are 3, 6 and 9 which will prove eventful under the influence of radical number are-2004, 2013, 2022, 2031, 2040, 2049, 2058, 2067, and 2076. Friendly number 6 showers its effect on the years 2001, 2010, 2019, 2028, 2037, 2046, 2055, 2064 and 2073 whereas the years influenced by Friendly number 9 are 2007, 2016, 2025, 2034, 2043, 2052, 2061, 2070 and 2079.

Numbers 3 and 9 are the friends of the people having number 6 as their radical number. So, numbers 3, 6, 9 prove to be eventful numbers; 2, 4, 5 and 7 give mixed results and 1 and 8 are their enemies. The days, dates, months and years associated with these numbers shower their effects on these people. According to Indian theory, they should wear diamond, Opal or Zircon on Friday in such a way that it touches the body.

According to Cheiro, these people make the people having number 5 their friends, specifically they are born in the category of 3, 6 and 9 numbers. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are their lucky days. These days prove more favorable if they fall on 3rd, 6th or 9th. The 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 24th, 27th or 30th is the lucky day for them. These people should start their project on the dates associated with their own numbers. These dates are 6th, 15th or 24th. Periods from 20th April to 20 - 27th May and then from 21st September to 20 - 27th October are favorable for these people. Blue colour-whether light or deep in shade is lucky for them. All the shades of pink colour are also lucky for them. But they should avoid black and deep reddish blue colours.

Turquoise is the lucky gem for them and they should wear it in such a way that it touches the body. Emerald is also lucky for them. According to Sepharial, number 4 keeps vibrating the people with radical number 6. Numbers 3 and 9 attract them and 1 and 8 are their enemies. Numbers 2, 5 and 7 give mixed results. Friday proves much favorable for them.

Radical Number 7

Ketu or Neptune Ketu or Neptune is the lord of radical number 7. This is called Varun in Indian astrology. Number 7 is the radical number of the people born on 7th, 16th or 25th day of a month. It is a watery planet. Number 2 and 7 are friends of each other as Moon is also a watery planet. People having 7 as their radical number happen to be good friends of the people born on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th day of a month. These people are imaginative and interested in paintings and writing poems. They cannot accumulate wealth. They like travelling and strolling. They have the capacity to know what the people around have in their mind. They are not conservative in the matter of religious activities. They emerge successful in the trade of export and import. Job in navy also prove to be favorable for them. Women having 7 as their radical number get married in rich families.

According to Indian mythology, Ketu is the lord of number 7, whereas according to western mythology it is Neptune. Both the planets have their effects over these people. They are imaginative under the influence of radical number 7. They are interested in writing poetry, listening music and watching television. They are also interested in modern arts, writing and literature. They will not be able to accumulate wealth. They like travelling and strolling very much.

They have the capability to know the mind of the people around. They do not like conservatism and avoid the customs prevailing. They like business or job in which they can go on trip frequently so that connection with the alien land may continue. So, they choose business or employment in which they may have much opportunities to go on trips.

They dream of miraculous things. They earn much profit from abroad in the business of ships and motors.

These people like travelling and change as they are unsteady by nature. If they have the opportunity to achieve their desired results, they go on trip and take deep interest in the matters of alien lands. They write books on tours and travels and possess good knowledge of the world. People having 7 as their radical number prove to be good writers, painters or poets. But whatever they do there is a touch of philosophy in it.

They take least interest in worldly pleasures. They earn by their natural ability or by business tact’s. They give some of their earnings to some organizations as charity. Life of the women having 7 as their radical number is prosperous. They are serious for their future and they try to find a base before they could fall prey to ill luck.

People having 7 as their radical number have a fine sense of business. They might be able to start their project and complete it successfully, if they use this sense properly. They like travelling much, so they write books on alien lands. They may adopt coastal trade, if they try. They do the business of export and import. If they have an opportunity, they may be the captain or owner of a ship.

People born with 7 as their radical number have some different views regarding religion. They are not conventionalists. They form their own religion but their religion depends on imagination and mysteriousness. Their imagination is fine and they have fascination towards mysticism. They possess awareness and they are gifted with divine power. They have the capacity to attract others and hence they impress people before them.

Ketu or Neptune showers its influence much in between 21st June to 25th July. Sunday and Monday are lucky for these people. They should start their important ventures on 7th, 16th or 25th day of a month. If started on a Sunday or Monday that falls on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th, the venture will prove to be more profitable. Again, it will be more beneficial if started during the period in between 21st June to 25th July. Green, camphor, light yellow and white colours are lucky for these people. Deep colours are unfavorable. The 7th, 16th, 25th, 34th, 43rd, 52nd, 61st, 70th, 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th, 38th, 47th, 56th, 65th and 74th years of age are important for them. Cat's eye is their lucky gem.

Calendar years' sum totals of which are 7, 2, and 6 prove to be eventful under the influence of radical number 7. The years influenced by radical number 7 are 2005, 2014, 2023, 2032, 2041, 2050, 2059, 2068 and 2077. Years that prove to be eventful under the influence of Friendly number 2 are 2009, 2018, 2027, 2036, 2045, 2054, 2063, 2072, and 2081 whereas the years influenced by Friendly number 6 are 2004, 2013, 2022, 2031, 2040, 2049, 2058, 2067 and 2076.

Number 2 and 6 are the friends of the people having 7 as radical number. So, numbers 2. 6 and 7 cause great incidents in their life. Numbers 3, 4, 5 and 8 give mixed results whereas 1 and 9 are their enemies. Days, dates, months and years associated with the numbers stated above also shower their influence over these people.

According to Cheiro, people having 7 as their radical number should start their venture on the days associated with their radical number i.e. on 7th, 16th and 25th. They may start their venture during the period in between 21st June and 20-27th July. Sunday and Monday are favorable for these people like what they are for the people having 2 as radical number. The 1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 28th, 29th and 31st are more favorable for them if their birth-number matches with any of these dates.

Green, yellow and all their shades and white colours are lucky for these people. They should avoid deep colours. Pearl, cat's eye etc. are their lucky gems. If possible, they should wear pearl in such a way that it touches the body.

According to Sepharial, number 3 keeps vibrating the people having 7 as their radical number. Numbers 2 and 6 attracts them whereas 1 and 9 are their enemies. Number 4, 5 and 8 give mixed results. Monday is the most favorable day for them.

Radical Number 8

Saturn is the lord of this month. This is the radical number of the people born on 8th, 17th or 26th day of a month. The Sun transits in Sayan Capricorn and Aquarius between 21st December and 19th February. These are signs of Saturn. So, Saturn puts its effects over the people born in the months said above.

Natives having number 8 as their radical number accomplish their important jobs but others fail to recognize their importance and hence remain unsympathetic towards them. Naturally, they get disheartened at times. They feel loneliness. Moreover, due to lack of service, these people are considered dry, indifferent and stone hearted. The truth, however, remains just reverse. If fact they mind their own job and are absorbed in the same. This, at times, leads to enmity and breeds contempt. They are highly ambitious - working hard to attain high post or position. Sacrifice and hard labor become their way of life. They face lots of troubles and for them life itself is like and uphill task.

Under the influence of Saturn, these people scale heights in life bit by bit. Attaining success by overcoming odds of life becomes their habit. They never get scared of failures. Of course, a sense of dejection grips them at times. In fact, lethargy is their chief enemy - causing failures repeatedly. Therefore, it is advised that such a native should never postpone any job. As told earlier, they accomplish lots of, important jobs and that ultimately earns them name and fame. However, their working-style is beyond comprehension for many who ultimately turn enemy.

The people of this category do not have dashing-pushing nature. Hence, they are seen as tough and heartless whereas they are too sentimental and soft at heart. They in fact remain lost in their own job most of the time. They rather try hard to remain in themselves but as a negative outcome invite lots of criticism.

They have a sense of sacrifice in them. They never withdraw from hard labor. They take unwavering stand in the face of all odds. This is why they cross all hurdles and attain success at last. It is believed that people under the influence of Saturn are laborious and for them success may come late but remains permanent with them.

Number 8 carries and reflects certain characters like rise in life, sudden changes, disorder, hard headedness and whims, etc. But on the other side the natives show philosophical mysticism, religious fervor, purposefulness, eagerness to accomplish the task at hand, and a fatal aptitude toward their job. They feel that they are different from others. Therefore, they feel loneliness at heart. Their good deeds never get acknowledged in their life time. But, after death they are put on pedestal worshipped and get garlanded.

Those who fall under weaker or lower area of Number 8 have a fight with humanity itself and meet a painful end. Similarly, purposes of those who are on higher end of the Number are considered wrong by others. In fact, since time immemorial, this number of 8 is considered as symbol of human justice in mystic sciences.

Devoid of any fancy and frills, these people are peaceful and large-hearted. They hide their emotions and let others form their opinion - good or bad. Natives with this number are either too successful or a miserable failure in their lives. Being highly ambitious, they aim for social or governmental status. They succeed in getting higher posts and are ready to sacrifice anything. So for all practical purposes, this number is not considered lucky. The natives may face endless misery and losses of all types.

Saturday is auspicious for such natives. Sunday and Monday too are good. Therefore, they should start an important job on these Days. Dates 8, 17, 26 are also favorable. December 21 to February 19 is better to start new ventures. Dark grey, black, dark blue etc. are favorable colours. Light colours are not advisable. The natives can befriend people with 4 as radical number i.e. whose date of birth is 4, 13 or 22. Friendship with people born on 8, 17, or 26 is agreeable and lasting.

Important years of such natives are 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80 and 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 67, 76, etc. There is a possibility that all important events of the native's life will take place in these years.

Under the influence of radical number 8, the calendar years, sum total of which is 1, 4 or 8 prove to be eventful. The years are 2006, 2015, 2024, 2033, 2042, 2051, 2060, 2069, 2078; under the influence of friendly number 4 they are 2002, 2011, 2020, 2029, 2038, 2047, 2056, 2065, 2074 and under the influence of friendly number 1, the calendar years 2053, 2062, 2071, 2080.

A native with radical number 8 has friendship with people with numbers 1 and 4. Hence, number 1, 4 and 8 are eventful for these natives. Numbers 2, 5, 7 and 9 are even while 3 and 6 are odd with such natives. Days, dates, months and years related to the said friendly, enemy and even numbers too cast their influence on the native with this number as radical. The natives must put on blue sapphire all the time.

Now, we should have a look at Cheiro's opinion on number 8 in the following text. According to Cheiro, the natives having this radical number should wear all shades of grey, black, dark blue and reddish blue. If such a native wears any lighter shades, he/she will appear peculiar, as something is amiss.

As number 8 is of Saturn, Saturday is a day of fortune for them. Number 4 casts its influence on Sunday and along with Monday as well. Therefore, Saturday, Sunday and Monday are important days for the people with radical number 8.

People born under the influence of 8 should start their projects on 8, 17 and 26 of any month as these dates are important for their own number 8. January and again on 19th and 20th of February, the success will be multifold. These dates are related to number 8. Moreover, if these dates fall on Saturday, Sunday or Monday the result is even more effective. Along with these numbers other dates related to friendly numbers 4, 13, 22, and 31 are beneficial for these people.

Gems beneficial for them are Neel Mani, Blue sapphire, black pearl or black diamond. They should take all care that these gems touch their body.

It is difficult to explain number 8. This symbolizes spiritualism and materialism both. In fact, a close look reveals Number 8 as two circles touching each other. It is made up of two 4s. So, since ancient period this is being considered as indicator of undivided fate for people and the nation. In astrology, it indicates Saturn. The latter too is considered as star of fortune.

In the opinion of Sepharial, people with radical number 8 have good vibe with people having 2 as their radical number. The former gets attracted towards people with number 1 and 4 whereas Numbers 3 and 9 repel them. With numbers 5, 7 and 9 such natives remain even i.e. well. By all means Saturday is favorable for them.

Radical Number 9

Mars is the lord of radical number 9. People, born on 9th or 27th, have number 9 as their radical number. The Sun remains in Aries and Scorpio between March 21 to April 27 and again October 21 to November 27. These are the signs of Mars. Hence, Mars casts its significant effect on these people during these Sayana months. If in these months dates of radical number 9 are also there, effect of Mars gets enhanced further.

These people are courageous and never give up. They are fast and in hurry, naturally. They wish to finish off all their jobs as soon as possible. But, their life is full of struggle and they have innumerable enemies. They, the natives, make a mark in service like police, army and fire brigade and in other adventurous feats. But they should shun any such feats. They should never take up adventurous jobs like circus, motor cycle games, car race, etc. Scaling mountain peaks too has its hazards for them. But, then, such people love these things and go for horse riding, etc. They are successful in administration and management. But, there is a word of caution: Never pick up fights at home or elsewhere. This is because they are short tempered. They cannot bear criticism. On the other side, they can easily be trapped by a woman's treacherous love. They come under influence of flattery and are foxed easily. If such natives keep their anger in check, they can become quite successful and fortunate as well.

Mars, the lord of radical number 9, is said to be the commander of planets. Therefore, people having this radical number are full of ambitions for jobs like army, leadership, head of a village, etc. Even in other jobs and services, they exhibit traits of monopoly. Brimming full with courage and confidence, such people overcome hurdles easily and get successful. Impulsive behavior and hurry in everything, they do characterize their personality.

The natives have courage deeply ingrained, so they should play safe and stay off from adventure. It is in their interest. They are disciplined and expect the same from others. But, they may cause harm to themselves, at times, under the influence of flatterers. Therefore, they must shun such company. A good of anger is natural in them as they are under the influence of Mars. Therefore, enemies will crop up, however they wouldn't rise in number and will be overcome by the native. Under the influence of Mars, such natives may become victim of diseases related to fiery element. But, if they keep their behavior cool their fortune may rise.

People born under the influence of 9 struggle hard to get whatever they want in their life. In the early phase of their life, they face lots of trouble. But, at last they come out with flying colours due to their confidence, good temperament and dedication. However, such people are usually short tempered, impulsive, independent and egocentric. These are their characteristic features. When such people pass through dates or period of their own number, they exercise their rights even more. As a result of this they invite too much of enmity. People start opposing such natives openly. But, then due to excess confidence, they emerge out as leader or commander in army par excellence.

Such natives run into troubles due to their bragging nature and sentimental behavior. They remain under stressful relation with their in-laws and family as well. They put stiff resistance to any criticism. They are far from proud. They consider themselves as Good Samaritan and hate any interference in their work. They love to be revered and aspire to gain fume as headman of the family. Given full control of the situation, such natives are capable of managing all affairs with effect. But, in case they are not given full control, they suffer sort of heart-break and ultimately get distanced from the job. They remain ready and to do anything for love and affection. Therefore, if a clever woman wins over such a native's heart, she can befool him easily.

People with this number get well with the people having 3 or 6 as their radical number. Those born on 9th, 18th, 27th, and 3rd, 12th, 30th and 6th, 15th, 24th can become ideal friend, life-partner or lover for long. These dates are auspicious for them. They should start an important venture on Tuesday. In case on Tuesday there falls any of the dates said above, it is even better. Apart from this, if the natives happen to start the job in auspicious Sayan months i.e. between 21 March to 27 April and 21st October to 27 November the success is written on the wall. Colours pink and dark red suit them the most.

Under the influence of radical number 9, the calendar years, sum total of which is 9, 3 or 6 are eventful for them. The years under the influence of 9 that prove to be eventful are: 2007, 2016, 2025, 2034, 2043, 2052, 2061, 2070 and 2079, under the influence of friendly number 3 they are: 2001,2010, 2019, 2028, 2037, 2046, 2055, 2064 and 2073. Similarly, the years under the influence of radical number 6 they are 2004, 2013, 2031, 2040, 2049, 2058, 2067 and 2076.

People with radical number 9 remain friendly with the people having 3 or 6 as their radical number. Therefore, for them, numbers 3, 6 and 9 are eventful. Numbers 2, 4, 5 and 8 are so-so whereas numbers 1 and 7 are inimical. The natives come under the influence of days, dates, months and years related to the said friendly, inimical and neutral numbers. Italian coral is lucky gem.

According to Cheiro, people with radical number 9, remain quite friendly with numbers 3, 6 and 9 i.e. those born on 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st 24th, 27th and 30th of a month. The latter types too reciprocate in equal measure. But, number 9 carries some particular traits. It is the only number which when multiplied by any number gives product 9. For instance, if multiplied by 2, 9 gives 18, sum total of which is 9. This is applicable in all instances and we get 9 only. All shades of red and pink are favorable colours for these people. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays are important for them. But, Tuesday, being the day of Mars, is more important.

The natives should start their projects on 9th, 18th and 27th of a month. In case these dates fall between 21st of March to 19 - 26 April and in between 21st October to 20 - 27 November, they prove to be more auspicious and effective. Numbers 3 and 6, friendly to radical number 9, have certain important dates like 3, 6, 12, 15, 21, 24 and 30, which are favorable for the people having 9 as their radical number as well. Ruby, Garnet, etc. are their lucky gems. They should wear these gems in such a way that they touch their body for better result.

In all calculations of mystic sciences, numbers 7 and 9 are considered to be the most important. Number 7 is related to spiritualism. It is recognized as creative power of God or the earth. Being a creator, it has ambition of growth, so that very soul of humanity may be enhanced. But, contrary to this, number 9 symbolizes Mars, in planet-cycle, which in its various forms indicates physical prowess. Therefore, it is related to mundane affairs.

According to Sepharial, natives having 9 as their radical number vibe well with number 1. They get attracted to 2, 3 and 6 whereas number 7 is reverse. Numbers 4, 5 and 8 behave evenly with them. Tuesdays are most favorable for them.

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