
As per Numerology what are the worship, Fast, Mantra, Yantra, chanting for Radical Numbers and Deities?

Remedies by Worship

Here, remedies to pacify the malefic effects of the planets and to make them favorable are being prescribed to the natives having numbers from 1 to 9 as their radical and lucky number.

Radical Number - Lucky Number - 1

Favorable Deities: People of radical number 1 should worship the Sun and offer Him a pot of water early in the morning pouring there in Roli and rice and repeating Surya Gayatri Mantra for eleven or twenty one times. The Sun gives life to the mankind. Therefore, this religious exercise will save these people from diseases and problems. If it is not possible, then observe daily a gold ring etched with a ruby.

Fast (Vratopwas): The natives should keep fast and take their meal only once on Sunday and that too without salt. They should have bath in the morning and make a chanting of 'Aditya Hridaya Stotra' before having their meal. Doing this, they will feel that they are getting free from hurdles and diseases. This they should do for one year, on thirty or twelve Sundays. On this day, they should wear red apparels and pray the Sun by chanting Surya Gayatri Mantra. They should offer a copper pot full of sacred water to the Sun with Red Chandan, Roli, rice, red flowers and Durva. After all this, Jap of Surya Mantra should be repeated reverentially on a rosary of Surya Mani.

Gayatri Mantra: To get the favorable effects of the Sun enhanced, the natives should repeat reverentially the Surya Gayatri Mantra eleven, twenty-one or one hundred and eight times.

Om Aadityaaya Vidmahe prabhaakaraaya Dheemahi Tannah Suryah Prachodayaat.

Mantra for Meditation: After getting up in the morning, the natives should contemplate the Sun by chanting the following Mantra

Japaa Kusum Sankashaam Kaashyapeyam Maha Dyutim.
Tamoaring Sarvapaapaghanam Pranatoasmi Diwaakaram

Graha Mantra: They should chant Surya Mantra to make the Sun favorable. They can get desired result, if they chant the following Mantra for one hundred and eight times on a rosary. Sixty rosary Japs are essential to complete the Anushthaan.

Om Hraang Hreeng Hraung Sah Suryay Namah.
Number of Japs: 6000

Grah Yantra: To keep the Sun favorable, the Surya Yantra should be cast on a piece of Bhojapatra with Astagandh ink (Saffron, Camphor, Agar, Tagar, Musk, Ambar, Gorochan and Rakt or White Chandan) and then the natives should wear it in a gold or copper talisman in gold chain or red thread in the morning on a Sunday in Shuklapaksha. The talisman should be worshipped with Dhoop-Deep before being worn.

Radical Number - Lucky Number - 2

Favorable Deities: People of this category should worship Moon or lord Shiva. The Panchakshari Mantra of lord Shiva Om Namah Shivaaya should be chanted every day. The natives should offer twenty-one or one hundred and eight leaves of wood-apple (Bilvapatra) to lord Shiva to save themselves from different diseases and hurdles. If they cannot do it, they should pray to a picture of lord Shiva every day in the morning.

Fast (Vratopwas): The natives should keep fast (Vrat) on a Monday when the Chitra Nakshatra is going on. This Vrat should be kept on fifty-four or at least on seven Mondays. On this day, white cloth should be worn and white things should be offered. Chandra Mantra should also be chanted on a rosary of pearl.

Gayatri Mantra: The natives should repeat reverentially the Chandra Gayatri Mantra early in the morning after having bath. The Mantra should be repeated eleven, twenty one or one hundred and eight times. The Mantra is:

Om Amritaangaaya Vidmahe Kalaa-Roopaaya Dheemahi Tannah Saamah Praachodyaat

Mantra for Meditation: The natives should contemptate the Moon early in the morning and repeat the following Mantra reverentially:

Dadhi Shankh Tushaaraaham, Ksheerodaarnav Sambhavam
Namaami Shashinam Saamam Shambhomukutbhushanam.

Graha Mantra: The Chandra Mantra should be repeated reverentially to make Moon favorable. This should be repeated at least one hundred and eight times on a rosary of one hundred and eight beads to get desired result. One hundred and thirty rosary Chanting is essential to complete the Anushthaan. The Mantra is:

Om Shraam Shreem Shraum Sah Chandramase Namah
Number of Japs: 13000

Grah Yantra: To make Moon favorable the Yantra should be cast on a piece of Bhojapatra with Astagandh ink (Saffron, Camphor, Agar, Tagar, Musk, Ambar, Gorochan and Rakt or white Chandan) and then the natives should wear it in a silver talisman in a silver chain or red thread in the morning on a Monday in Shuklapaksha. The talisman should be worshipped with Dhoop - Deep before being worn.

Radical Number - Lucky Number - 3

Favorable Deities: The natives should worship Jupiter or lord Vishnu. They should repeat reverentially every day the Dwadashaakshari Mantra of Om Namo Bhagawate Vaasudevaaya. The Mantra should be repeated at least one hundred and eight times a day. The natives should listen to Satyanarayan Katha on every Poornima to save themselves from different diseases and hurdles. If it is not possible, they should pray the picture of lord Vishnu every morning.

Fast (Vratopwas): The natives should keep fast on Thursday to ward off the Brihaspati Arishta Dosha. They should wear yellow garment on this day. Besides, meals of yellow things should be taken and offered. This fast (Vrat) should be kept on every Thursday for 3, 11 or 16 years. Guru Mantra should be repeated on a Putrajeevi rosary.

Gayatri Mantra: For these people, it will prove favorable to repeat reverentially the Guru Gayatri Mantra every day. This should be repeated for eleven, twenty-one or one hundred and eight times in the morning after having bath.

Om Angirsaaya Vidmahe Divya-Dehaaya Dheemahi Tannauh Jeevah Prachodayaat

Mantra for Meditation: The natives should contemplate Jupiter and chant the following Mantra:

Devanaam Cha Risheenaam Cha Gurung Kaanchanasannibham.
Buddhibhootam Trilokesham Tam Namaami Brihaspatim.

Graha Mantra: The Guru Mantra should be repeated reverentially to make Jupiter favorable. This should be repeated at least one hundred and eight times on a rosary of one hundred and eight beads to get desired result. One hundred and thirty rosary Japs are essential to complete the Anushthaan. The Mantra is:

Om Gram Greem Graum Sah Gurawe Namah
Number of Japs: 10000

Grah Yantra: To make Jupiter favorable the Surya Yantra should be cast on a piece of Bhojapatra with Astagandh ink (Saffron, Camphor, Agar, Tagar, Musk, Ambar, Gorochan and Rakt or white Chandan) and then the natives should wear it in a gold or brass talisman in gold chain or red thread in the morning on a Sunday in Shuklapaksha. The talisman should be worshipped with Dhoop - Deep before being worn.

Radical Number - Lucky Number - 4

Favorable Deities: These natives should worship Rahu or Lord Ganesh. The Atthaisakshari Mantra of Lord Ganesh 'Om Shreem Hreem Lleem Glaum Gang Ganapataye Vara Varada Sarvajana Me Vashmaanaya Swaaha' should be repeated reverentially every day. At least one hundred and eight times. Ganesh Moadak should be offered to Lord Ganesh on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi. This religious exercise will save the natives from different diseases and problems. If this is not possible, they should pray the picture of lord Ganesh every morning.

Fast (Vratopwas): The natives should keep fast on Saturday to ward off Rahu / Herschel Arisht Dosha. Black and blue garments should be worn on this day. The fast (Vrat) should be kept on fifty - one or nineteen Saturdays. The natives should massage their body with oil. They should offer oil and worship Peepal tree also. Besides, they should repeat the Mantra of Rahu reverentially on a rosary of Rudraksha.

Gayatri Mantra: The natives should repeat reverentially the Rahu Gayatri Mantra every morning after having bath for eleven, twenty - one or one hundred and eight times to enhance the benefic effects of Rahu. The Mantra is:

Om Shiro Roopaya Vidmahe Amriteshaaya Dheemahi Tannauh Rahu Prachodayaat.

Mantra for Meditation: The native should contemplate Rahu every morning and repeat the following Mantra reverentially:

Ardhakaayam Mahaaveerya Chandraaditya Vimardanam.
Simhikagarbhsambhootam Tam Rahu Pranamaamyaham.

Graha Mantra: Rahu Mantra should be repeated reverentially to make it favorable. This should be repeated for at least one hundred and eight times a day. This will help the native achieve their desired results. One hundred and eighty rosary Jap is essential to complete the Anushthaan. The Mantra is:

Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhraum Sah Raahawe Namah
Number of Japs: 18000
Radical Number - Lucky Number - 5

Vaastu and Residence: North is the suitable direction for these people. They should keep their drawing room in this direction. Furniture, upholstery etc. in the house should be of dull yellow and dazzling white colours. These colours will give the good results.

Vehicle, Journey, Hotel: If they buy a vehicle, they should prefer number for its registration that matches their radical and friendly numbers. The radical number of these people is 5 and the friendly numbers are 3 and 9. So, the number 5234 is favorable for the registration of their vehicle, which makes 5, the sum total. If on travel, they should choose a room in a hotel number of which matches their radical number. A room bearing number 104 will prove auspicious for them as it makes 5, the sum total, which is their radical number.

Health and Diseases: They may suffer from skin diseases, weakness in nervous system, mental agony and physical weakness etc. They should worship Lord Vishnu and go on fast on the day of Poornima (Full Moon) and offer banana to the deities.

Profession: They should opt for the job of a salesman, astrologer, postman, railway engineer, editor, tobacco dealer, writer, journalist, translator, bookseller, librarian, inventor, etc. They can join telecommunication department, insurance department etc. Banking, preparing budget are also beneficial for them. They can choose the job related to communication, tourism etc. They can join department of archaeology also.

Radical Number - Lucky Number - 6

Vaastu and Residence: Natives having this radical number should choose right direction their building. For them, Aagneya kone is the most suitable and auspicious direction. Numbers 3, 6 and 9 are lucky for the house. They should reside in the Aagneya Kone in city or a house. This will prove better for them. They should choose this direction for their job and business also. The house and furniture in it should be light or sky blue colour.

Vehicle, Journey, Hotel: If they want their journey to be happy, they should select the numbers that match their radical number and its friends. Numbers 3 and 9 are the friends of radical number 6. Therefore, while on travel, they should hire a vehicle bearing number that matches their radical number. The berth they reserve in the train should also bear the same number. If they buy a vehicle, they should opt for the number for its registration that matches their radical number. The numbers for registration should make 3, 6 or 9 the sum total. For example, number 5235 makes 6, the sum total, which is their radical number.

Health and Diseases: They may suffer from problems in lungs, vital decay, weakness in nervous system, problem in chest, urinary problem, disorder caused by the excess of cough, constipation, cold etc. They should worship Kartveeryarjun to save themselves from these diseases, evil effects of time, distress and affliction. For women, worship of Goddess Santoshi is suggested.

Profession: These people should opt for business of restaurant, hotel, Dhaba, perfume, oil, flower, textile, silk and other different types of clothes, sweets etc. They can choose the job of a technologist, designer, musician, writer, dramatist, story writer, cloth merchant, actor, watch-maker, dancer, social worker, astrologer etc. They may join a publishing house and food department etc. They can also choose the job related to communication. Dealing in ornaments may also prove fruitful.

Radical Number - Lucky Number - 7

Vaastu and Residence: A house having 7 as its radical or name number will be auspicious for these people if it is situated in Nairitya Kone. They should choose a house situated in the said direction, if they want to build or buy it. The same direction will be auspicious for their other activities also. They should buy their furniture in camphor, white and light blue colours that may prove very favorable for them.

Vehicle, Journey, Hotel: if they buy a vehicle, they should choose a number for its registration that matches their radical number or its friendly number. Numbers 2, 6 and 7 will be auspicious for them. They should choose a number like 5236 that makes 7, the sum total, which is their radical number. If on travel, they prefer a vehicle bearing the number that can match their radical number. Likewise, if they want to travel by a bus or a train, they should see that the number of the seats or berths match their radical number. If they book a room somewhere, its number should also match with their radical number. For example, a room bearing number 106 will be favorable for them as it makes 7, the sum total, which is their radical number.

Health and Diseases: They may suffer from pain in stomach, infectious diseases, constipation, loss of sleep, problems in private parts, loss of appetite, ailment caused by disorder of the wind within the system etc. They should worship lord Narsingh to save themselves from these diseases, evil effects of time, distress and affliction.

Profession: These people should opt for acting, film industry, air lines, tourism, driving, journalism, editing, fine arts, spying etc. as their field of work. They can choose the business of rubber, tire, tube, plastic ware, transmitter, radio, minerals etc. They may adopt the job of an astrologer, translator, diplomat, officer etc.

Radical Number - Lucky Number - 8

Vaastu and Residence: They should build their house, flat or complex in west direction since their radical number is 8. They can reside in western region in a city or western portion of a house. This will be fruitful for them. Direction of residence will prove auspicious for all their activities.

Vehicle, Journey, Hotel: Numbers 1 and 4 are the friends of the radical number 8. Therefore, they should choose a number for its registration the sum total of which is one of these numbers. A number such as 5237 is advised that makes 8, the sum total, which is their radical number. If on travel, they should hire a vehicle bearing number 1, 4 or 8. Likewise, they should book a room that matches their radical number. Number 107 is advised in this regard, which makes 8.

Health and Diseases: They may suffer from ailments caused by disorder of wind within the system. Physical weakness, loss of sight, weakness in heart, anemia, constipation, gout, blood pressure, trouble in head, epilepsy, problem in urinary system, baldness, trouble in ear and nose etc. are also possible. They should worship Lord Shani to save themselves from diseases, evil effects of time, distress and affliction.

Profession: They can choose the business of tin sheet, small scale industries, coal and timber etc. Job of a coolie, advocate, astrologer, contractor, watch-maker etc. is also fruitful for them. They can be policy makers, teachers, and musicians as well.

Radical Number - Lucky Number - 9

Vaastu and Residence: South direction is auspicious for these people. Therefore, house or complex built in this direction will be auspicious for them. They should choose the southern part of a city or southern portion of a house to reside in. For drawing room also, this direction is auspicious. The sum total of number of the house should be one of 3, 6 or 9.

Vehicle, Journey, Hotel: If they buy a vehicle, they should opt for its registration a number some total of which should be either 9, the radical number or any of its friendly numbers 6 or 3. Number 5238 is lucky for registration as it makes 9, the radical number. If on travel, they should opt for a room bearing a number that matches their radical number 9. Number 108 is advised in this regard that makes 9, the sum total. They should hire a vehicle having a number that matches their radical number. The number of seat or berth they get reserved should also match the same. These lucky numbers can make their journey successful.

Health and Diseases: They may suffer from heart-diseases, blood pressure weakness etc. They may suffer injuries also caused by some accident. They are advised to worship Hanuman and go on fast on Tuesday to save themselves from these diseases and ailments, evil effects of the time, distress and agony. They should take their meal only once on Tuesday.

Profession: They may lead an association and opt for the business of fire crackers, medicines, iron and other metals and arms and ammunition etc. They can choose the job of a doctor, astrologer or a preacher. They can join army also.

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