It a question is to be answered about a person's health, the first thing is to study the Line of Life and the Heart Line. Later, one must go to the Line of Mercury and the Head Line. The only indication that one can get from the lines is whether at a particular age a person's physical mental and emotional competence would be more or less. But they do not indicate any disease. The indicators of ill-health are the nails, mounts and the fingerprints.
Questions with Regard to Longevity
How long a person lives is in the hand of God and a palmist, must not, make any clear prediction about the time a man would die. The hand is only an indication of the vital force of a person -- his capacity to live. One must undertake practices which would add to that vital force. If a person is struck with cholera he cannot refuse to take treatment on the plea that he has a life line which indicates a long life. If one has considerable vital force it will keep him alive till medical aid is available, became his capacity to fight disease would come into play. Medical aid helps a person to survive, but if the vital force is low he might die till treatment for the ailment starts.
Experienced palmists would tell you that one cannot predict how long a person would live merely on the basis of his Line of Life. One must study other lines on his palm, because lines influence each other. It is just like a diabetic having a problem with his blood pressure. Hypertension tends to affect the other systems in the body. Similar is the case with the lines on your palm.
Sometimes circumstances conspire to make the vital force of no account. To take an example, if a train in which a person with a faultless Line of Life, Heart Line etc. is travelling, is attacked with explosives by terrorists, or two trains collide head-on or an earthquake hits that area, he is liable to be killed. This is what a palmist roust always keep in mind. You must, as a palmist, use your discretion about what is to be told to the client in such matters.
It is because of the above that a palmist must never predict about death and the time when it would strike the questioner or client. If the signs on the palm indicate that a person is likely to die at a particular age, he should be told that he is liable to fall victim to a fall disease. He should be advised to take steps to augment his vital force; remedies should be suggested so that hope continues to inform such a person and he is able to augment his vital force to maintain good health. lf the signs indicate that a person is liable to suffer from a particular disease, he should be warned to take precautions.
If you study the Line of Life in handprint No. 9-A in Part IV of the book you could predict the death of the owner of that hand print in his 63rd year, but the time at which that person came to me for consolation was 67 years old. The lines indicated a bad family situation at the age of 63 and not death. That is why I would reiterate that one must be very careful in predicting death.
Signs Indicating Longevity
If the Line of Life, the Head Line and the Heart Line is short in both the palms of a person calculate the age at which a crisis is likely to develop and tell him that he is likely to suffer from a fatal disease. He should be advised to practise digital postures calculated to augment the vital force, the heart and the brain. These postures are dealt with in Part III. If the above lines are short in one palm and of normal length on the other, the danger of death at that particular age is lessened.

(Fig. 9/1)

(Fig. 9/2)

(Fig. 9/3)
If the Line of Life is short it might also indicate financial troubles or family problems (See Fig. 9/1). If the end of the Line of Life is intersected by a horizontal line. (See Fig. 9/2) or an inverted bracket (See Fig. 9/3) it bodes ill for the life of a person. If the Line of Life continues after that point of intersection, a tragedy is averted after that age.
A star or a cross at the point where the Life Line ends, is harmful, but if the line continues beyond that point, evil is averted after that age.

(Fig. 9/4)

(Fig. 9/5)

(Fig. 9/6)
Palmists of old used to predict death at an age when the Line of Mercury intersected the Line of Life, (See Fig. 9/4) but, what one should see is whether the Line continues after that point of intersection. One should predict that the person is likely to suffer from an intractable disease at that age. If the Line of Life ends at that point, you should see both the palms and then predict that your client is likely to suffer from a fall disease at that age. If the Line continues you should say that there are chances of the client surveying the attack of that disease.
India's ancient science, Samudrika Shastra, calls the Heart Line as the Line of Longevity. It is true because life continues so long as the heart continues to beat. That is why you must see the position of the Heart Line after you have found a fault in the Line of Life, Similarly, see whether the fault in the Heart Line is confirmed by a similar fault in the Line of Life. If it is confirmed, there is a strong probability of death intervening; otherwise, it is a mere possibility.
If both the Heart Line and the Line of Life are deep and full a person is likely to live long and maintain his health till the day he dies.
If the Line of Life and the Heart fire are short or there are faults in them, but the Mount of Venus is well-developed, chances of ill-health are reduced.
If there is a tassel at the end of the Line of Life (See Fig 9/5) a person's vital force is much reduced in old age.
According to Samudrika Shastra four well-defined rascettes indicate an age of 120 years (See Fig. 9/6). Each rascette represents a life span of 30 years and the life span of any particular individual can be calculated according to this rule. An incomplete rascette indicates ill-health. But the new Western palmistry does not depend on rascettes atone. The rascettes are consulted, no doubt, but so are the other lines. If the other lines are without any fault, the effect of the faulty rascettes is much reduced.
Other Signs Indicating Health
If there are too many lines on the palm it is an indication of depression and tension. Persons suffering from tension should go for a regular check-up of their blood pressure. When you come across a hand with too many lines, refer to Handprint Nos. 3 and 15 in Part IV of this book.

(Fig. 9/7)

(Fig. 9/8)

(Fig. 9/9)
If the Line of Life emanates from the Aggressive Mars (See Fig. 9/7) a person is likely to suffer from hyperacidity.
If the Line of Life breaks under the mount of Jupiter (See Fig. 9/8) there is a possibility of diseases of the intestines.
If the Line of Life is thick at places and thin at others, a person is easily susceptible to disease.
If the Line of Life is good and the rascettes resemble a chain a person is likely to enjoy good health.
If the Line of Life is defective and the Line of Saturn stops at a defective Heart Line (See Fig. 9/9) a person is liable to suffer from a heart ailment.
A person with a defective Heart Line should get his blood pressure and the heart checked up regularly after he crosses 35 years.

(Fig. 9/10)

(Fig. 9/11)

(Fig. 9/12)
If there is a rectangle at the place where the Heart Line is defective (See Fig. 9/10-A,B) it presages that the person would recover even if he suffers from any heart ailment.
lf the Heart Line emanates from the Mount of Apollo (See Fig. 9/11) there is possibility of a heart ailment. But this also indicates financial and marital difficulties. What a particular line indicates would depend on the question your client is asking you. If there is a query regarding health, you should study the Line of Life and the Heart Line together. If the question is with regard to financial problems, the Line of Saturn could give an answer. If you are answering question with regard to marital relations the line of sexuality and the Line of Mars should also be studied along with the other lines.
If the Heart Line is broken at many places it indicates possibility of a heart ailment.
If there is a grill over the Mount of Venus along with a defective Heart Line (See Fig. 9/12) a person's blood pressure is bound to be abnormal.

(Fig. 9/13)

(Fig. 9/14)

(Fig. 9/15)
If the pieces of a broken Heart Line overlap each other (See Fig. 9/13) health is likely to be affected due to an emotional trauma.
Persons whose Heart Line is near the Head Line (See Fig. 9/14) should not over strain their minds.
If these two lines are near each other and the Line of Mercury is broken, one is likely to suffer from asthma.
If there is a quadrangle between the Heart and the Head Line over which there are short lines (See Fig. 9/15) a person is never at peace with himself. Tension thus created can lead to a heart ailment.

(Fig. 9/16)

(Fig. 9/17)

(Fig. 9/18)
If a woman's Head Line leans towards the Mount of Lima (See Fig. 9/16), the Mount of Venus is developed and the thumb makes an acute angle with the rest of the fingers, she is liable to suffer from hysteria.
If there is an island on the Heart or the Head Line under the Mount of Apollo (See Fig. 9/17-A,B) there is a likelihood of ailment of the eyes. If such a position is found on both the palms the occurrence of such an ailment is a certainty.
If there is an island on the Head Line or the Heart Line under the Mount of Saturn (See Fig. 9/18-A,B) there is a danger of flatulence, diseases of the teeth or the bones. It also means that a person might suffer from pain in the joints, might run a risk of paralysis and suffer from excessive wind in the stomach.
If a broken Head Line is intersected by short lines, it indicates headache and a weak memory.

(Fig. 9/19)

(Fig. 9/20)

(Fig. 9/21)
If there is a star at the junction of the Head Line and the Line of Mercury (See Fig. 9/19-A) it is a sign of diseases of the genitals. If there is a star on the Mount of Venus too (See Fig. 9/19-B) the occurrence of such ailments is a certainty. If these signs are found on the palm of a woman, it is indicative of a difficult labour.
If the Line of the Sun is thin at the point of origin, but thickens as it nears the Mount of Apollo there are possibilities of diseases of the chaste or the heart.
If the rascettes are broken, ill-health is indicated. If the first rascette is composed of a chain of small islands (See Fig. 9/20) health tends to improve as one nears middle age.
A good Line of Mercury indicates a good memory. If the Head Line is defective, but the Line of Mercury is good it tends to remove the faults of the Head Line.
A star on the Line of Mercury (See Fig. 9/21) is indicative of ailments of the stomach.

(Fig. 9/22)

(Fig. 9/23)
If there is an island on the upper part of the Line of Mercury, it indicates diseases of the upper organs of the body (the Mount of Mercury controls the upper part of the body), if such islands are found in the middle, hyperacidity is indicated. If there is an island in the lower part, organs below the navel are likely to be affected (See Fig. 9/22-A,B,C).
If the Line of Mercury is wavy (See Fig. 9/23-A) or is fragmented (See Fig. 9/23-B) diseases of the liver and a weak digestion is indicated.
If the Head Line suddenly descends to the Mount of Luna (See again Fig. 9/16) suicidal tendencies are indicated.
Mounts as Indicative of one's State of Health
If there is a fault in the Line of Life, the following Mounts should be studied to find which ailment one is likely to suffer from.
If the Mount of Jupiter is well-developed, diseases of the digestive system are indicated.
If the Aggressive Mars is well-developed, paralysis is indicated.
If the Defensive Mars is well-developed, diseases of the nervous system are a possibility.
If there is a cross or oblique lines on the lower part of the Mount of Luna, there is danger of diseases of the parts below the navel, if the fault is in the middle, diseases of the stomach are indicated and a fault on the upper part of the Mount signifies diseases of the chest or the throat.
If the Mount of Venus suffers from a fault, venereal diseases are a possibility.
If there is a fault in the Mount of Saturn or the area covered by it a person is in danger of suffering from diseases caused by Vata dosha, diseases of the bones and the teeth.
If there is an island on the Mount of Apollo or under it, there is danger of diseases of the eyes.
A star on the Mount of Luna is indicative of an emotional trauma.
Diagnosing Diseases from the Nails
The nails start growing from the base of the first phalanges of the fingers to their tips. It takes about five months for a nail to renew itself If there a fault near the base of the nail, the disease indicated by it is likely to manifest itself within about one month, if it is in the middle, the disease might take two and a half months to strike the person and if it is near the end of the nail, the ailment might become apparent within 4 months.
Large, bright nails, with a pinkish hue indicate excellent health.
If there is a small depression in the middle of a nail, it is indicative of an emotional trauma. The time, when it would manifest itself can be calculated keeping in view the fact that a nail takes about five months to renew itself.
If the depression is deep and gives the nail the appearance of a spoon, there is a danger of skin diseases, syphilis and influenza.
If the middle of the nail is raised like the back of a tortoise it presages ailments of the lungs and the person concerned should undergo a medical check-up.
Vertical stripes or white spots on the nails presage tension. If the nails are blue, the danger of tension increases.
Horizontal Strips on the nails indicate constant mental trauma.
People with white nails are conceited and act hastily.
A pale nail indicates a diseased liver.
It is natural for girls to have blue nails in the beginning of their menstruation. If their nails are blue at any other time or, if men have such nails, it indicates a possibility of the lungs being affected.
A person with short nails is more susceptible than others to diseases of the nervous system and emotional tensions. If there are vertical stripes on the nails, it presages increased tension and possibility of diseases of the intestines.
A long nail, which has a short width indicates low physical strength. Such a person is liable to tire easily and diseases of the nose, ears, throat, eyes and chest are more likely to attack him. Such persons are also liable to suffer from ailments of the backbone.
Reading Health from Fingerprints
If the number of whorls on the first phalanges of the fingers are more in number, there is possibility of a heart ailment. The reason is that such persons are obstinate and when they do not get their way they become subject to tensions.
If the number of arches on the fingers is more, a person Is likely to be short on tolerance and is liable to ailments of the nervous system.
People with tented arches have a weak digestion.
If the number of loops or double loops are in majority there is likely to be too much pressure on the nervous system.
Palm, Thumb and the Fingers as Indicators of Health
If the thumb is rotated and it bends completely backwards and the fingers are very pliable, a person runs the risk of suffering from paralysis.
A child with Speculate fingers should not run or take violent exercise because he is likely to have weak heart. If the upper part of the fingers is bluish, the danger of a heart attack is more in such children.
A person with abnormally long fingers is likely to have an under-developed pituitary gland. Since this gland controls the functioning of other glands, including the gonads, an under-developed pituitary is likely to have an adverse effect on the metabolism and such persons cannot undertake much manual work.
If the palm is red and hot, it indicates an elevated blood pressure. Persons with such palms are also in danger of suffering from diabetes.
A colourless or pale palm which is also cold is an indication of anaemia.