The birth anniversary of Nanak Dev Ji, the first religious leader of the 'Sikh' community, is celebrated on Kartik Purnima. The first Sikh Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born on Kartik Purnima at Raibhoy place.
In the year 2020, Guru Nanak Jayanti will be celebrated on 30 November. The Sikh community celebrates Guru Nanak Jayanti with vast enthusiasm and reverence. It is a festival like Diwali for them. Shabad-kirtans are performed in Gurdwaras on this day. Langars are organized at different places and Guruvani is recited.
Guru Nanak was spiritual and knowledgeable since childhood. The stories of Guru Nanak's childhood are still very relevant today. Guruji's mind was certainly not in the worldly life, but he chose the path of spirituality without renunciation. He believed that human beings have no right to turn away from their duties as saints.
The principle of Guru Nanak Dev Ji is still relevant today by the followers of Sikhism, which are as follows:
Guru Nanak has asked his disciples to follow three main things for the true Sikh.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born around 1.40 pm. Hence night Jagran is done for this. For this, do the following: -
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