According to Hindu Panchang, the festival of Ram Navami is celebrated on the Navami date of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month. According to the scriptures, Lord Shri Ram was born on this day, so this day is celebrated as Ram Day of Birth. This date is called Ram Navami due to the day of birth of Shri Ram Ji. In the year 2020 Ran Navami will be celebrated on Thursday 02 April.
Lord Rama is considered an incarnation of Vishnu. Lord Vishnu took human incarnation as Shri Ram in Tretayuga to kill the demons on the earth. Lord Rama is called Maryada Purushottam, because he presented the best example of decent life in spite of suffering a lot during his lifetime. He did not renounce his ideals even in adverse circumstances and lived his life in dignity. Therefore, he has been given the position of the best man.
This day especially celebrates the festival of birth of Lord Rama by offering prayers and many other types of events. Although Lord Rama's birthday is celebrated with pomp in entire India, but especially in Ayodhya, the birthplace of Shri Ram, this festival is celebrated with immense zeal. A grand fair is organized in Ayodhya at the time of Ram Navami, in which devotees from far off places also reach saints and saints and celebrate the birth of Ram.
Fasting, worshiping and other religious ceremonies are generally held in Hindu families on the day of Ram Navami. At the time of birth of Ram Ji, his birth anniversary is organized and he is welcomed with joy. In many houses, special decoration is done, the house is consecrated and the kalash is established and after worshiping Shri Ram Ji, bhajan - Kirtan is organized. On this day, Mother Janaki and Lakshman are also worshiped especially with Shri Ram.
When Mata Kaikayi demanded a boon from Ram ji's father Maharaja Dasaratha, Sri Ram happily accepted the 14 years of exile leaving the Throne and conquered Lanka by killing the egoistic Ravana along with many Asuras during exile. While leaving Ayodhya, Mother Janaki and brother Lakshman along with Shri Ram also went on exile for 14 years. This is the reason that he is also worshiped with Ram on Ram Navami.
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According to Hindu Panchang, the festival of Ram Navami is celebrated on the Navami date of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month. According to the scriptures, Lord Sh...