Maa Durga Puja conducted by Team of practiced Acharyas of ACHARYAVSHASHTRI.COM. This year, the Magha Gupta Navratri will be Start from January 25th 2020.
Get the blessing of Maa Durga on this Magha Gupta Navratri Ghatasthapana Durga Puja with influential Gifts.
Most of the customs and rituals observed during Shardiya Navratri are also observed during Magha Gupta Navratri. Ghatasthapana Muhurta is more popular during Shardiya Navratri but it is also needed during Magha Gupta Navratri.
Ghatasthapana is one of the significant rituals during Navratri. It marks the beginning of the nine days Durga Puja. Our scriptures have well defined rules and guidelines to perform Ghatasthapana during a certain period of time at the beginning of Navratri. Ghatasthapana is invocation of Goddess Shakti and doing it wrong time, as our scriptures forewarn, might bring wrath of the Goddess Shakti. Ghatasthapana is prohibited during Amavasya and night time.
The most auspicious or Shubh time to do Ghatasthapana is first one third of the day while Pratipada is prevailing. If due to some reasons this time is not available then Ghatasthapana can be done during Abhijit Muhurta. It is advised to avoid Nakshatra Chitra and Vaidhriti Yoga during Ghatasthapana but those are not prohibited. The most important factor to consider is that Ghatasthapana is done before Hindu midday while Pratipada is prevailing.
We also consider Lagna and try to include DivSvabhava Lagna (दिवस्वभावा लग्न) into calculated Muhurta. During Shardiya Navratri Dvi-Svabhava Lagna Kanya prevails during sunrise and if suitable we take it for Ghatasthapana Muhurta.
The factors which are prohibited for Ghatasthapana are afternoon, night time and any time beyond sixteen Ghatis after sunrise.
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