

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords
Upright Meaning Guide
Queen of Swords Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Honest, truthful, candid, protective, independent, chatty, communicative, witty, funny, principled, fair, constructive criticism, strong, quirky, realistic, objective, discerning, problem solver, skeptical, intelligent, sharp wit, self-reliant, open-minded, sophisticated, mother, repressed pain or sadness, divorced, hard knocks

General Meaning and Interpretation

In a common perspective, the Queen of Swords will signify an older female in your life who can step in once you are weak and shield you or assist you to beat a drag. It signifies being intellectual, brainy, sharp, truthful, open and sincere. This Minor Arcana card signifies being sensible, prudent or skeptical and it will signify that you can get positive censure from somebody and you'd had best to pay attention thereto. It may signify perceptivity and self-direction. However, this card may designate that you are also repressing some soreness or unhappiness from previous time events. As an individual, the Queen of Swords signifies a adult feminine or female one who is talkative, eccentric, candid and adjuvant. She may be a girl who could have notable failure or suffering herself and has achieved plentiful internal potency and knowledge from her incidents. She is someone who can perpetually protect those that can?t protect them. She has sturdy fellow feeling and may be a nice individual to possess in your area if you're weak as she is going to protect you.

Love & Relationships

In a love card interpretation, if are in a very correlation the Queen of Swords will designate that you are in a correlation with somebody who signify the traits highlight in the on top of section otherwise you are showing some of those individuality yourself in your love life. As a companion, she likes her personal house and is very prudent regarding the folks she dates or has correlations with. She is going to not be excessively sentimental and will not like open shows of fondness however she will be extremely tender and captivated and he or she is unbelievably faithful, humorous and sort. This Minor Arcana card will signify a girl who is in a correlation however loses some of the liberty and freedom of being solitary. It may designate that a roundly truthful adult girl could have tons to mention regarding your correlation. This might be a mature lover, mother or relative-in-law giving their view. If you're lone, the Queen of Swords will designate that you can gather somebody who signifies the traits open in the on top of section otherwise you are showing many of those individuality yourself in your correlation. This card designates that you just would really like to satisfy somebody who will develop your life however you're independent sufficient to not would like one. This is often a good situation to be in once dating as you'll be able to afford to be choosy.

Money & Career

In a career card interpretation, the Queen of Swords will designate that you could get assistance, help or positive censure from an older female in your work surroundings. This female is refined, truthful, intelligent and skilled. You?d had best to go after her instance. This Minor Arcana card may be a smart communication card therefore you ought to realize you're ready to achieve your purpose across once it seems. Your equals can deference you for your sincerity and honesty once it seems in your card unfold. In a money card unfold, once more the Queen of Swords will designate that an older refined female could offer you some firm money recommendation so concentrate. She is going to not put you in hassle. It may designate that your gift of the gossip could cause you obtaining some smart money chances.


In a health card unfold, the Queen of Swords designates that inhibited feelings is also at the basis of any health problems you're realizing. You?ll have concealed unhappiness or sorrow. This card in a health perspective, tells you that you got to realize the way to leave these feelings and incidents because the pressure of concealing them is also displaying in bodily or mental indications or unhealthiness. Reiki would additionally assist you to forgoing of the harmful force and realize your stability. This is often a correlation card and in and of it, an honest signs if you're attempting to conceive.


In a divine perspective, the Queen of Swords will designate that you are attempting to reduce things excessively instead of pursue your feelings and instinct and this is often stopping your growth on your divine way as your brain fights along with your heart. Your feelings and your instinct are even as vital as your lucid brain, don?t ignore them. Typically you would like to faith your bravery although your mind is saying you other. It may designate that previous time individual efforts have granted you knowledge, power and kindness that permit you to know and sympathies with others and protect those that can?t protect themselves.

Queen of Swords
Reversed Meaning Guide
Queen of Swords Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Overly critical, pessimistic, lack of empathy, rude, malicious gossip, manipulative, harsh, bitter, spiteful, vindictive, nasty, cruel, deceitful, cheater, unforgiving, scatter-brain, mental fogginess, poor communication, dysfunctional, obsessive, dependent, not learning from previous time, absent mother, repressed trauma, infertile

General Meaning and Interpretation

In a common perspective, the Queen of Swords overturned will signify not experiencing from the previous time or not pardoning the previous time and victimization it as a weapon to strike others about you with. This card will signify that an older or older feminine in your life could attempt to pull you down by dissemination gossip regarding you or being excessively crucial of you. It may be a sign that you are experiencing hooked in to others or not obtaining the liberty and freedom you desire. This card additionally signifies being useless or infertile or having an away mother or a sin step-mother. As an individual, the Queen of Swords overturned signifies a older feminine or female one who usually isn't a pleasant nature as she will be sour, unkind, merciless and demoralized. She may be a female who could have notable failure or shock herself that she utilizes as excuse to tug others down. She will be malicious, spiteful, cruel and vindictive. She could be short of fellow feeling for others and might be all-consuming and dominant. She is somebody who is also excessively crucial or unkind to the folks round her and might bump into as impolite and really harmful in overturn. The Queen of Swords overturned may additionally be a cheat, a trickster, unfaithful or simply usually dishonest.

Love & Relationships

In a love card interpretation, if you are in a correlation the Queen of Swords overturned will designate that you are in a correlation with somebody who represents the traits open in the on top of section otherwise you are showing some of those personalities yourself in your correlation. The Queen of Swords will merely signify a female who is in a correlation however is petrified of being solitary or instead, experience her independence is way too controlled. Though, if this card signifies your companion is often a nasty sign of a female who trick or deceits and maneuvers. Nevertheless, the Queen of Swords overturned might designate that a sour or spiteful matured female could attempt to get in the way in your correlation and reason hassle. This Minor Arcana card may be indicating you that you are inhibitory previous time hurt and it's preventing you from totally gap up and being the captivated, faithful and nice companion you're able of being. If this signifies a possible companion, stay clear as she is going to bring you hassle and isn't, in her present position, somebody you ought to be in a correlation with. This card will be a sign that you hate being solitary and need to search out somebody you'll be able to rely upon. This card may designate that you have come back through a shock or a harsh separation and are experiencing demoralized, harmful and probably spiteful. You would like to provide yourself time to leave the ache or annoyance you're taking. you'll be able to modification what?s happened however you'll be able to choose if you're getting to find out from it and use thereto to turn into an improved individual or if you're getting to allow it modification you for the more serious.

Money & Career

In a career card interpretation, the Queen of Swords overturned will signify an older female in work surroundings who is excessively crucial or unkind with you or could unfold gossip regarding you. Though, this Minor Arcana card may purpose to communication problems wherever you'll not be obtaining your purpose across within the most excellent approach. Take care to not bump into as harmful, harsh, demoralized or impolite once addressing coworkers or commercial links. In a money card unfold, once more the Queen of Swords overturned will designate that an older dishonest or hateful female could offer you some dangerous money recommendation so take care. This card may designate bad communication or miscommunication that might find you cost accounting you cash.


In a health card unfold, the Queen of Swords overturned designates that at the instant you're a touch unreliable once it involves your health. This might take the shape of not remember to travel for schedule, not taking medicine as directed or not going according to healing procedure. You would like to place your concentration return on your health and if you're disquieted that the psychological mistiness you're feeling could purpose to a lot of sedate problem, This card may signify infertility or fertility problems.


In a divine perspective, the Queen of Swords overturned will designate that you are utterly motility off your instinct and feelings for your lucid consideration. On the turn over aspect, it will signify that you have utterly shifted to about feelings and guts natures against any lucid thinking. You would like your brain, heart and soul to be in equilibrium. Don?t go excessively away to the intense because it will put down you bottomless and weak. It may designate that previous time individual disturbance could have leaved you utterly numbed and close far away from your feelings. You need to permit yourself unharnessed the soreness of your previous time so as to find out from it and go ahead.

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