According to the Indian Culture the toilet and bathroom should not be made together, though this has become a common practice today. If both have to be made together, a wall should be erected between the two. The toilet should not be made in the centre of the house or in the North east corner or in the Southeast or Southwest corner. A toilet in the centre of the house is absolutely forbidden. It scatters the entire household establishment. In the Southwest it harms the health and the other aspects of the owner's life. In the Northeast it creates financial paucity and mental ailments.

Location of Toilet
The toilet can be made in the Northern Northwest or in the Western Northwest. The next best position is between the Southwest corner and the South. The toilet seat should be in the Western Northwest or in the South. If possible, the seat should be located on the North-South axis. While using the toilet the person should face the North or South direction, or the person can even face the West.
A commode is best placed in the Southwest corner or in the South. While using the commode the person can face the North or East direction. This prevents constipation, gas, warts and moles.
The toilet seat should be at least one or two feet above the ground level. If the seat is below the ground level then it creates medical, mental and financial problems for the residents.
The toilet seat should be at least one or two feet above the ground level. If the seat is below the ground level then it creates medical, mental and financial problems for the residents.
The slope of the floor, the roof and the outlet should be towards the North or the East.
The door of the toilet should be in the North or in the East. A small window should also be made in the East, West or in the North.
Colour of the walls can be some light pastel shade of preference.
Some other considerations

If the toilet is located in front of the main entrance door, then it creates health problems, especially stomach problems. In this situation a 4" x 4" mirror should be fixed on the door of the toilet.
- A toilet in the Northeast corner causes financial losses, mental imbalance, intolerable ailments and disputes among the residents. In this situation it would be beneficial to fix a one foot broad mirror on the Northern wall just below the roof.
- If the bathroom and toilet are combined and their entrance is through the kitchen, then to remove this flaw, the following remedy is recommended :
- A four inch broad line should be painted with yellow paint at the entrance of the toilet, on the floor under the door.
- To stop the negative energy from entering the kitchen, three green pyramids should be fixed on the wall between the kitchen and the toilet.
- A ceramic bowl of sea salt should be placed in the Northeast or the Southeast corner of the toilet to absorb the negative energy.
These days in modern bathrooms/toilets, tub, shower etc. are placed in a combined way as shown in this picture.