Vastu of the House
The presence of a lake, pond, flowing ricer or a well or a hand pump in the Nortbeast of the house leads to continuously growing prosperity and inflow of money. Digging and constructing a tube well. underground water lank or installing a tap or keeping that area fill of water leads to growth in wealth and prosperity. It also brings in a lot of happiness.
The people residing in such houses become famous, reputed and honoured. They are honoured by the king and the rich. They are very hospitable and their homes are always visited by well wishers and saints who get due honour and hospitality from the family. Poverty, debts, diseases do not bother them and any problem like court cases etc. get easily solved. These people get good results for their efforts and goddess Lakshmi goes on showering her blessings on them. The following points should be taken into account before the construction:
1. Before starting house construction proper arrangement for water should be made, because after selection of the plot, water becomes the first requirement. For the construction to proceed smoothly, the arrangement for the water should be made in the Northeast or North direction. The figure given is a guide to the appropriate place for the tube well.
The best place for an underground tank or a bore well is the main East or main North or 75% of the Northeast direction. According to the figure the plot has been divided into three parts. For example a plot of 60x60, measuring 3600 sq. mts has been taken. The North and East directions have been divided into three equal parts of 20 ft each.
Places for Borewell
Handpump in South
• Starting from the Northeast corner moving eastward the first 20 It becomes Northeast Ishan area, the next 20 ft becomes main East and the last 20 ft. becomes Southeast Agni area.
• Similarly moving Northwards, the first 20 ft becomes Ishan, the next 20 ft main North and last 20 ft is Vayavya or Northwest area.
• After this Ishan is divided into two equal parts of 10x10 ft. the first 10 ft is the main Ishan which is unfavourable for a boring water tank or a tap.
By using this place for a boring etc. the person makes illogical decisions, loses his leadership qualities and heads towards his doom:
Handpump in Ishan
Handpump or Water tank is considered to be auspicious in Ishan kona only, whether it is inside or outside the house. This gives health, wealth prosperity and happiness to the owners' family along with wisdom and good fortune.
Handpump in Eastern Ishan
Hand pump or water tank is even better on the eastern part of Ishan kona. Along with wealth it also promotes good fortune and happiness. People residing in such a house are honoured by the rich, the ministers and also by the king They are showered with gods blessings.
Well in North Ishan
Presence of hand pump or well towards the North of Ishan kona increases wealth. The residents get social status and recognition. It also promotes peace and happiness in the house.
Handpump in West
Hand pump, well or a water tank is also considered good in the West of the house. It promotes prosperity and happiness.
Water Tank not in South
Hand pump, well or water tank is not considered auspicious in the South direction. It can cause untimely demise of the owner's wife. It also increases possibilities of accidents, mishaps and suicides.
Water Tank in Vayavya
Presence of well, hand pump or water tank in Vayavya (Northwest) direction creates troubles from enemies and thieves. If the water source is in the exact vayavya kona then the owner's wife meets an untimely end. It also creates disputes and bickering among the family members.
Water Tank in Nairritya
Presence of well, hand pump or water tank in Nairritya (Southwest) direction creates incurable ailments and untimely demise of the owner and his family members. Apart from this there are fights, accidents, suicides and financial losses. These problems ultimately become reasons for breakup of the family.
Water Tank in Agneya
Well, hand pump or water tank in Agneya kona (Southeast) corner creates danger for the children and loss of wealth and honour. Fire and water are two opposite elements. When combined together they make life full of troubles and disputes. Source of water in this area is an indicator of accumulation of debt. The females suffer more than the males.
Well in the Center
If well, water tank or hand pump is in the centre of the house or the plot, it causes the ruin of the family. No one can live in such a place for long, his life remains disorderly, full of debt and poverty. He becomes unfortunate and miserable. His misery goes on increasing day by day. Gods get annoyed by him.
All these rules are applicable to not only a residential house but also to a commercial or a professional building/house, hospital or temple etc.