WebAstrologers.com is built by veteran experts in Vedic astrology and astrological programming. With over 17 years of experience, we are the most popular creators of astrological tools in India.
Get your horoscope calculated and generated by the computer instantly in your own language. The horoscope will be instantly downloadable in PDF format and you can view this on your computer, phone, or share it with your friends and family.
Avakahada Chakra | Ghataka Chakra | Favorable Points |
Planetary Positions At Birth | Lagna Kundali | Bhav Chakra |
Bhava Chalit | Chandra Kundali | Surya Kundali |
Hora Kundali | Drekkana | Navamsha |
Ashtak Varga | Planetary Conjunctions & Aspects | Parashari Aspects |
Shad Bala | Planetary Avasthas | Planetary Karaks |
Nav Tara Chakra | Graha Maitri | Vimshottari Dasha |
Pratyantar Dasha | Yogini Dasha | Shat-Trimsha Dasha |
We don’t just give you astrological computation and charts, we also bring you a detailed interpretation of these charts based on the proven scriptures and astrological shastras.
These interpretations give you a fair and comprehensive analysis of your Janmakundali and you’ll be able to get a very understanding of what Vedic Astrology says your life will be life.
Your specific characteristics | Prime mental qualities | General state of health |
Education & Profession | Wealth & Inheritance | Marriage & Married Life |
Travel & Journeys | Lucky Stone (Gemstone) | Predictions from planetary aspects |
Impact of your birth nakshatra | Family Life | Placement of planets in Nakshatra |
Impact of lord of houses | Impact of Planets in houses | Your lagna & its impact |
Impact of planets in signs |
Want to see what kind of horoscope you’ll get? Click on the icon below and see a sample PDF file containing a sample horoscope in English. Your similar horoscope will be delivered to you in your chosen language.
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WebAstrologers.com is built by veteran experts in Vedic astrology and astrological programming. With over 17 years of experience, we are the most popular creators of astrological tools in India.